What does a commercialization plan include?

What does a commercialization plan include?

COMMERCIALIZATION PLAN: Documentation of the process by which a new product or service is introduced into the market. It takes into account the production, distribution, marketing, sales and customer support required to achieve commercial success.

How do you write a commercialization plan?

A good starting point for writing a commercialization plan is a clearly written statement that identifies the overall commercial goal of the project. This is your vision of what the product will do to meet a need and whom the project will affect. Define the specific problem or opportunity addressed and its importance.

What is a company commercialization report?

What is the Company Commercialization Report? The Company Commercialization Report captures the quantitative commercialization results of the firm’s prior Phase II projects. Instructions for completing the Company Commercialization Report (CCR), as well as definitions, may be found in the CCR Guidance document.

What is a commercialization model?

The Commercialization Process Model developed by Dr. Randall Goldsmith and the Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center defines the process of transforming a product from the idea stage to a full – fledged manufacturing company.

Can your project be commercialized?

For a potential product to be eligible for commercialization, research and development (R&D) efforts must telegraph a degree of public value that could potentially result in increased profitability for the company. For commercialization to truly succeed, a company must satisfy both its customer and stakeholder needs.

What to include in a SBIR commercialization plan?

Provide specific information on the market need the technology will address and the size of the market. Also include a schedule showing the quantitative commercialization results from this SBIR project that your company expects to achieve.”

How to qualify for SBIR Phase I funding?

To receive SBIR funds, SBIR Phase I or Phase II awardees must qualify as an SBC at the time of award and at any other time set forth in SBA’s regulations, by submitting a certification stating such qualifying status Phase I – minimum 1/3 of research or analytical effort must be performed.

Where can I find a Phase 1 commercialization plan?

DOE also provides a useful example of a responsive Phase I Commercialization Plan on their website. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) places its emphasis on commercialization in Phase II and only requires a separate commercialization plan for Fast Track applicants who are submitting a combined Phase I/Phase II application.

What are the three criteria for SBIR / STTR?

Although each agency will have some criteria that are unique, we previously introduced three that are commonly considered important in evaluating all SBIR/STTR proposals: Innovation, Capabilities of the team, and Commercialization.

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