How do I reference the UCSC Genome Browser?

How do I reference the UCSC Genome Browser?

When including a screenshot in your manuscript, reference in the caption and cite the Genome Browser paper in the manuscript. We recommend including a Session URL of your screenshot to allow readers to interact with your data and get more information.

Where can I get a reference genome?

Reference genomes can be accessed online at several locations, using dedicated browsers such as Ensembl or UCSC Genome Browser.

How do I download genome UCSC?

Downloading from a web browser If you are not comfortable using the command line, you can download your file via FTP in your browser at, or from our downloads page at

Where can I download the human genome?

The Human Genome data can be downloaded in its entirety, chromosome by chromosome, in segments referred to as “contigs” (for “contiguous sequence”). This data, along with information about the location of genes and other biological features associated with the sequence, is available from NCBI’s public FTP site.

What is human reference genome?

The human reference genome is a DNA blueprint used as a standard for comparison in basic research and clinical settings. Despite improvements in accuracy and completeness that have been made over the years, it still harbors limitations that can result in erroneous findings.

How do I download a GTF file from UCSC?

Pankaj Agarwal

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select the following options: clade: Mammal. genome: Human. assembly: Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19) group: Genes and Gene Predictions. track: UCSC Genes. table: knownGene. region: Select “genome” for the entire genome.
  3. Click ‘get output’.

Who is the developer of the UCSC Genome Browser?

The UCSC Genome Browser is developed and maintained by the Genome Bioinformatics Group, a cross-departmental team within the UCSC Genomics Institute. UCSC Home BSOE Home

Do you need JavaScript to use the UCSC Genome gateway?

UCSC Genome Browser UCSC Genome Browser Gateway Genome Browser Gateway JavaScript is disabled in your web browser You must have JavaScript enabled in your web browser to use the Genome Browser Home Genomes

When was the first draft of the human genome published?

On June 22, 2000, UCSC and the other members of the International Human Genome Project consortium completed the first working draft of the human genome assembly, forever ensuring free public access to the genome and the information it contains.

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