What is FineSim?

What is FineSim?

FineSim® is a high-performance circuit simulator with built-in full SPICE and FastSPICE simulation engines. FineSim is well-suited for simulation of large, complex analog circuits, as well as DRAM/SRAM/ Flash memory design.

What is Cadence ADE?

The Cadence® Virtuoso® ADE Assembler is an advanced design and simulation environment that extends the capabilities of Virtuoso ADE Explorer, allowing the use of multiple testbenches in a single design. As a result you can simulate global or partial layouts for detailed analysis of layout-dependent effects.

How is finesim used in the design of circuits?

FineSim allows the designer to take advantage of multiple circuit-solving techniques, such as hierarchical simulation recognition for memory structures, or multi-rate techniques for sensitive analog circuits and advanced RC reduction algorithms.

Why is finesim important in the memory market?

FineSim is Magma’s circuit simulator that has been doing extraordinarily well. In my opinion it is one of the big reasons that Synopsys is acquiring (presumably, still subject to approval of course) Magma. FineSim is especially strong in the memory market with over 70% of the top 5 DRAM manufacturers and the top 10 flash manufacturers using it.

Is there a webinar on the use of finesim?

There is a new FineSim webinar that covers the use of FineSim for various kinds of simulation. It is 2-5X as fast as the competition on a single CPU and, of course, gets faster still with multiple CPUs. Some of the things that will be covered in the webinar are:

How many radio bands does finesim Pro have?

It is actually two products, FineSim Pro and FineSim SPICE. There is a huge explosion in the need for analog, RF and mixed-signal solutions. For example, your smartphone may have as many as 10 radios in it: 4 GSM bands, GPRS, EDGE, 3 UMTS bands, HSDBA, WLAN, GPS, Bluetooth.

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