What is PEP in GCSE?

What is PEP in GCSE?

Writing a Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) Athletes use a personal exercise programme (PEP) to ensure their training develops the specific skills and fitness they require for their sport. This is designed to suit their individual needs. Physical Education. Performance analysis.

How do you write a good pep?

Writing a Pep Talk

  1. Address your audience’s desires, and if possible, show how yours align with them (especially if you’re working together towards a common goal).
  2. Furthermore, offer them a vision of themselves in possession of their desired outcome.
  3. Give them specific instructions or tactics to employ.

What should be included in a pep?

Your evaluation should contain all of the following key features:

  1. An analysis of the raw data produced by the PEP experience including a comparison of pre and post-programme test scores.
  2. An evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the programme related to the specific targets that were set.

What is a pep example?

Individuals who are, or have been, entrusted with prominent public functions by a foreign country. Examples include heads of state or government, senior politicians, senior officials in the government, judiciary, or military, senior executives of state owned corporations, and important political party officials.

What is a pep physical?

A Physical Exam Patient (PEP) is a patient model, allowing faculty to teach physical exam components and medical students to practice physical exams. PEPs work closely with the Doctoring Program’s faculty and staff.

Why is PEP monitoring important?

your PEP, and evaluate it to show how your performance in your chosen activity has improved, as well to make recommendations for further improvements to your performance. improving your performance. You must also recommend strategies to further improve your level of fitness based on the effectiveness of your PEP.

What is a PEP in school?

Every child and young person (of school age) who is looked after by us has a personal education plan (PEP) or a progression plan. The PEP document shows: How you are currently doing. What your teacher predicts your progress to be and. What support you need to help you reach your goals.

What does PEP mean in school?

PEP stands for Physical Education Program and helps with any physical differences your child may have.

What is a PEP AML?

Under Australia’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) Rules, Politically exposed persons (PEPs) are individuals who occupy a prominent public position or functions in a government body or international organisation, both within and outside Australia.

What is the full meaning of PEP?

post-exposure prophylaxis
PEP: The abbreviation PEP stands for a number of things in medicine including post-exposure prophylaxis. Post-exposure prophylaxis, for example, might concern the treatment of a health care worker exposed by a needle stick to HIV with a drug such as AZT to protect them from being infected with HIV.

What is a personal exercise programme ( PEP ) GCSE?

Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) GCSE Physical Education What is the PEP? A PEP is a training programme that is specific to you and your sporting activity. It is prepared using knowledge about your own needs of the sport for which you are training and a thorough understating of the fitness principles. How will it be marked?

What do you need to know about a pep?

What is the PEP? A PEP is a training programme that is specific to you and your sporting activity. It is prepared using knowledge about your own needs of the sport for which you are training and a thorough understating of the fitness principles. How will it be marked? You must include the following sections in your PEP

What do you need to know about PEP par Q?

You must include the following sections in your PEP PAR Q Fitness testing results My PEP – sport, strengths, areas for improvement Components of fitness Objectives and SMART Targets Phases of a training session – warm up and cool down Principles of training The F.I.T.T principle Circuit training targets Continuous training targets

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