How is leachate generation calculated?

How is leachate generation calculated?

A simple mathematical modelling is used for the calculation of annual leachate volume. The estimate of identified landfill area (A) using Google Earth is multiplied by the annual rainfall (R). The product is expressed as volume (V). The data indicated that the leachate production is high even it is fully closed.

How do you measure leachate?

A flow meter is a device that measures the volume flow of fluids (liquids or gases—or leachate) flowing though a pipe, either directly by measuring volume displacement over a period of time, or indirectly by measuring the velocity of the flow.

What is the formula for quantification of leachate generation from landfill?

What is the formula for quantification of leachate generation from landfill? Explanation: I = P – P (CR/O) – AET +/- S where, I is Rate of Infiltration, P is Precipitation, CR/O is Coefficient of Runoff, AET is Actual Evapo-transpiration, S is Soil Moisture Content Retention Capacity.

What is the composition of leachate?

Typical constituent concentrations in landfill leachate are 1000 mg/L BOD5, 18,000 mg/L COD, 225 mg/L TN, 30 mg/L TP, 1000 mg/L Ca, 250 mg/L Mg, 500 mg/L Na, 300 mg/L K, 60 mg/L Fe, 500 mg/L Cl−, and 300 mg/L SO 4 2 − (Tchobanoglous and Kreith, 1998).

How do you remove leachate from the landfill *?

There are many methods of leachate treatment [5] such as: Aerobic Biological Treatment such as aerated lagoons and activated sludge. Anaerobic Biological Treatment such as anaerobic lagoons, reactors. Physiochemical treatement such as air stripping, pH adjustment, chemical precipitation, oxidation, and reduction.

What is leachate how it is formed explain various characteristics?

Formation of Leachate: Biological decay of organic materials, either aerobically or anaerobically with the evolution of gases and liquids. Chemical oxidation of waste materials. Escape of gases from landfills. Dissolving and leaching of organic and inorganic by water and leachate moving through the fills.

What is the meaning of the word leachate?

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. a solution resulting from leaching, as of soluble constituents from soil, landfill, etc., by downward percolating ground water: Leachates in the town’s water supply have been traced to a chemical-waste dump. IS THIS EIGHTH GRADE VOCAB QUIZ FEASIBLE FOR YOU?

How is leachate quality determined in a landfill?

Leachate quality is the result of the waste composition, water budget, and the biological, chemical, and physical conditions in the landfill body. Until now it is not possible to predict the leachate composition of a new landfill, and it is very difficult to describe the future leachate pollution of an existing landfill.

What are the physical properties of leachate liners?

To effectively serve the purpose of containing leachate in a landfill, a liner system must possess a number of physical properties. The liner must have high tensile strength, flexibility, and elongation without failure. It is also important that the liner resist abrasion, puncture, and chemical degradation by leachate.

How does rainfall affect the volume of leachate?

When leachate is collected via perforated pipes, rainfall significantly affects leachate volume and contaminant concentrations. Eckenfelder and Musterman1 list landfill age, ambient air temperature, precipitation and refuse permeability, depth, temperature, and waste composition as factors that affect leachate quantity and composition.

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