How do you counter Thor in smite?

How do you counter Thor in smite?

Good jungle counters include: Thanatos, Mercury, Ymir and Serqet. Mainly because they can easily interrupt his 3 and avoid his 1.

What is the counter to mass Thor?

The usual zerg answer to thor in the midgame is to use roaches, and possibly lings as well for extra DPS and tanking shots. Roaches are fairly cost effective vs thors, at least before the thors hit 3 attack upgrades, but they are horribly supply inefficient, so they will only work for so long.

What counters Thors Terran?

Which got me thinking; what is terrans’ best counter to the thor? in 1v1 it’s Mass Marauders or Battlecrusiers. A critical mass of siege tanks also beat Thors with the right terrain advantage, like choke points. Team games are way more complicated, but Marauders with Void Rays or Broodlords do very well.

How do you counter Thor Protoss?

The #1 way to beat mass thor as protoss is to get carriers, mass chargelot carrier will decimate thor armies, as long as you don’t clump all oyur carriers in a nice 2×2 square you’ll be fine.

How do you counter Guan Yu?

In the laning phase, Amaterasu, Hades and Sun Wukong are strong counters to the almighty Guan Yu as all of them can cancel his main form clear.

What Zerg unit is good against Thor?

Being Zerg, apparently the official counter against Thors and Hellions with blue flame is Zerglings, Roachs, or Infestors.

How do you beat Mass Thor Zerg?

Half neural parasite, half roach/hydra/ultra (or whatever really). The IDEAL but not necessary engagement is sneaking the infestors behind the slow thors, and once the front of their army is in striking distance go for it. Then let their front get battered by your army and from behind by your new thors.

What counters what StarCraft?

Starcraft 2 Zerg Counters

Zerg Unit Counters Protoss Counters Terran
Infestor Zealot Sentry Marine Marauder
Queen Void Ray Oracle Reaper Hellion
Swarm Host Zealot Sentry Immortal High Templar Marine Hellion Hellbat Thor
Viper*** Colossus Carrier Archon Battlecruiser Siege Tank Thor

What are Thors weak against?

Thor doesn’t have weaknesses. These are just a characters flaws. A weakness is like fire, kryptonite or mind control. Thor is literally a god.

How to counter Thors as Zerg in Sc2?

Tanks don’t counter Thors. Thors are quite literally used to break siege tank lines. As for zerg, you can try roach ravager and swarm host. But it’s extremely terran favored right now. If the terran can do basic micro, like picking up thors in a medivac, you’re screwed.

Can a Terran use a counter against a Protoss?

The relationship of the Terran race with unit counters varies greatly depending upon the race match-up. Against Protoss players, it is typically up to the Terran player to react to the Protoss’s unit choices.

What are examples of Terran counters in Starcraft 2?

As another example, early in the game, a single Stalker will man-handle 2 Marines. Late in the game, post combat-shields and Stimpack, Marines will dominate a Stalker. Upgrades can change list as well. With that said, on with the Starcraft 2 Terran Counters list (Terran Unit Weaknesses): Stim).

What can a Terran do against a Zerg?

It is up to you as the Terran player to notice High Templar tech and build Ghosts in response. Terrans have much more control against Zerg players. A Terran can use practically any combination of Marines, Marauders, Medivacs, Widow Mines, Thors, Siege Tanks and do well against any Zerg force.

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