How long does it take to get over flu like symptoms?

How long does it take to get over flu like symptoms?

In general, healthy people usually get over a cold in 7 to 10 days. Flu symptoms, including fever, should go away after about 5 days, but you may still have a cough and feel weak a few days longer. All your symptoms should be gone within 1 to 2 weeks.

How long how long does flu last?

You should begin to feel much better within a week or so, although you may feel tired for much longer. You’ll usually be most infectious from the day your symptoms start and for a further 3 to 7 days. Children and people with weaker immune systems may remain infectious for longer.

Can you have the flu for 2 weeks?

The flu typically lasts one to two weeks. If symptoms are getting worse after the first week, you should consider consulting a doctor, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition like asthma or diabetes.

How do you know your flu is getting better?

On day five of the flu, you should be starting to feel better. Your fever is probably gone. You should have less congestion but may still have a cough. Continue to stay home, rest, and drink plenty of fluids.

How long should I rest after the flu?

It is important to rest and take things slowly and avoid rushing back to daily activities and exercise. Gradually starting on your activities is important to rebuild the stamina and start feeling back to normal. Recovery from flu can take a week to 2 weeks.

How long should I Stay Home with a cold or the flu?

Because you are more likely to spread the flu when you have a fever, the CDC recommends you stay home and away from other people for as long as you have a fever and for 24 hours after your fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications.

How many people have died from influenza?

Every year, flu kills 12,000 to 56,000 people and sends as many as 700,000 to the hospital. CDC estimates flu deaths by looking at how many more people than usual died of flu and pneumonia, but even those calculations miss people who may have died from flu complications, such as a heart attack set off by a bout of flu.

How long are you contagious after the flu?

The contagious period lasts for a week. Technically, for five to seven days after you start feeling sick you are contagious, but you are more contagious in the first 3-4 days after the flu symptoms appear.

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