What does information measure on WISC?

What does information measure on WISC?

It was developed to provide an overall measure of general cognitive ability, and also measures of intellectual functioning in Verbal Comprehension (VC), Perceptual Reasoning (PR), Working Memory (WM) and Processing Speed (PS).

What are the 10 primary subtests of the WISC?

The WISC-V contains 10 primary subtests (Similarities [SI], Vocabulary [VC], Block Design [BD], Matrix Reasoning [MR], Figure Weights [FW], Digit Span [DS], and Coding [CD], Visual Puzzles [VP], Picture Span [PS], and Symbol Search [SS]) that are most commonly administered.

What are the core subtests of the WISC?

Three new primary subtests — Visual Puzzles, Figure Weights, and Picture Span — measure the ability to analyze and synthesize information, quantitative reasoning and induction, and visual working memory.

What does similarities subtest measure on WISC?

Similarities measures logical thinking, verbal concept formation and verbal abstract reasoning. Two similar but different objects or concepts are presented, and the student is asked to tell how they are alike or different. Similarities is an untimed core Verbal Comprehension sub-test.

What is the difference between the WISC and the Wiat?

The WISC is designed to assess intelligence, not school performance. The WIAT is designed to assess academic performance and does not predict intelligence. It can be useful to compare these scores to see if your child is performing academically up to their intelligence.

Is the WAIS an aptitude or achievement test?

Aptitude refers to the capacity to learn, and thus aptitude tests are those designed to predict a person’s future performance. Achievement tests are designed to assess what a person has learned. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is the most widely used intelligence test.

Who can administer WISC?

The WISC Test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is an IQ test administered to children between ages 6 and 16 by school districts and psychologists. The objective of the exam is to understand whether or not a child is gifted, as well as to determine the student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

What does the information subtest on the WISC-v measure?

“In addition to processing speed, the subtest measures short-term visual memory, procedural and incidental learning ability, psychomotor speed, visual perception, visual-motor coordination, visual scanning ability, cognitive flexibility, attention, concentration, and motivation.

What is subtest analysis?

Abstract: Subtest analysis is pervasive in psychological training and practice. That is, the speculation that the variability or profile of an individual’s scaled scores across the subtests of an intelligence test have meaning beyond that provided by global IQ measures.

What are the subtests of the WISC-V test?

(WISC-V). The WISC-V is an individually administered, comprehensive clinical instrument for assessing the intelligence of children ages 6:0-16:11. The primary and secondary subtests are on a scaled score metric with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation (SD) of 3. These subtest scores range from 1 to

How are composite scores reported on the WISC-V?

The scores obtained on the WISC-V reflect Sample’s true abilities combined with some degree of measurement error. Her true score is more accurately represented by a confidence interval (CI), which is a range of scores within which her true score is likely to fall. Composite scores are reported with 95%

What does similarity measure in the WISC test?

Similarities measures logical thinking, verbal concept formation and verbal abstract reasoning. Two similar but different objects or concepts are presented, and the student is asked to tell how they are alike or different.

What are the complementary index scores for WISC-V?

Further, the WISC-V provides complementary index scores that measure additional cognitive abilities related to academic achievement and learning-related issues. The complementary index scores include the Naming Speed Index (NSI), Symbol Translation Index (STI), and the Storage and Retrieval Index (SRI).

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