What is the reliability of the Lysholm Knee score?

What is the reliability of the Lysholm Knee score?

Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Lysholm knee score and Tegner activity scale for patients with meniscal injury of the knee Overall, the Lysholm knee score and the Tegner activity scale demonstrated acceptable psychometric performances as outcome measures for patients with a meniscal injury of the knee.

How are The Lysholm and Tegner scores related?

The Lysholm correlated with the International Knee Documentation Committee (r = .8) and the Short Form-12 (r = .4), and Tegner correlated with the Short Form-12 (r = .2). Both scores had acceptable floor and ceiling effects and all hypotheses were significant. The Lysholm and Tegner were responsive to change at each of the time points.

What is the interclass correlation coefficient for Lysholm?

There was acceptable test-retest reliability for both the Lysholm (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.9) and Tegner (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.8) scores. The minimum detectable change for Lysholm was 8.9 and for Tegner was 1. The Lysholm demonstrated acceptable internal consistency.

What is the reliability of the Tegner activity scale?

The Tegner activity scale showed acceptable test-retest reliability, floor and ceiling effects, criterion validity, construct validity, and responsiveness to change.

How is the Lysholm score and Tegner activity level related?

The Lysholm score and age demonstrated no correlation. The Tegner activity level was inversely correlated with age. The average Tegner activity level for men was 6.0, and the average activity scale for women was 5.4. There was no significant difference in the Lysholm score between men and women.

What do you need to know about the Tegner score?

The Tegner activity scale was designed as a score of activity level to complement other functional scores (eg the Lysholm knee score) for patients with ligamentous injuries. ref Tegner Y, Lysholm J: Rating systems in the evaluation of knee ligament injuries.

What is the Tegner activity level for men and women?

The Tegner activity level was inversely correlated with age. The average Tegner activity level for men was 6.0, and the average activity scale for women was 5.4. There was no significant difference in the Lysholm score between men and women.

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