What is a feature & benefit of selling?

What is a feature & benefit of selling?

Feature-benefit selling is the process of connecting your the things your product helps your customer do (features) to the goals it will help them achieve and the pain points it will help them eliminate.

What are features versus benefits?

Features are the distinctive attributes of a product or service, and inevitably, they get all the attention. Benefits, in contrast, are the advantages a customer gains from that product or service. They are what solve a problem and make the customer’s life better in some way.

Why is it better to sell benefits than features?

Selling benefits rather than features makes it a lot easier to charge higher prices. You are able to differentiate your product by creating a story that emphasises intangibles. This helps you justify a higher price than a generic product.

How can I sell benefits and not features?

Sell benefits not features: the why

  1. Engage with your audience. Remember market research?
  2. Speak your audience’s language. Armed with the results of your market research, you can now probably see your product or service better through the lends of the consumer.
  3. Get Emotional.
  4. Turn your features into clear benefits.

How do I turn features into benefits?

5 Steps Turn Features into Benefits

  1. 1) Clearly define the feature itself. For example: All of our associates receive over 50 hours of continuing education per year.
  2. 2) Describe why/how the feature is a benefit to the client.
  3. 3) How is that different than others?
  4. 4) Why is that better?
  5. 5) Pose a closing question.

What are features in sales?

Features are product attributes or product aspects and capabilities. The key thing to know about features is that features are 100% focused on your product or service offering. To demonstrate, I picked a product or company feature from Apple, Amazon, and Blue Apron.

How do you explain the features and benefits of a product?

How To Describe Product Features as Benefits

  1. Define Your Customer. Answer these questions: who are they?
  2. Make The List Of Features. List all the things that you are proud of the most about your product, and why it’s unique.
  3. Turn Them Into Benefits.
  4. Check What Will Be Best For Your Customers.

How would you describe the features and benefits of a product?

The distinction between the terms benefits and features is an important concept in developing and marketing a product or service. Features are characteristics that your product or service does or has. Benefits are the reasons customers buy the product or service.

Do customers buy features or benefits?

Remember that customers won’t buy unless they realize that they are receiving more value from owning the product than from keeping their money. They know that features can only explain the price, while benefits explain the value of the product. Good salespeople learn from the customer what justifies the purchase.

Why are benefits more important than features?

Benefits are the reasons customers buy the product or service. Features can communicate the capability of a product or service. But features are only valuable if customers see those particular features as valuable. You want products or services with features which customers perceive as valuable benefits.

How do you turn a feature into a benefit?

What’s the difference between a feature and a benefit?

Features are facts about products or services; they add credibility and substance to your sales pitch Benefits give customers a reason to buy because they explain how your product or service improves their lives To translate features into benefits, answer the question “So what?” Persuasive copy requires a mix of features and benefits.

Why are features and benefits important when selling a product?

Often when selling a product or service, copywriters merely present a list of features–and that’s simply not enough to make a sale. Both features and benefits are equally important for effective advertising copy, but at the end of the day, it will be the benefits that give you the best advantages for converting customers.

What is the difference between benefits and advantages?

Advantages are like the intermediary between features and benefits; they are effectively what the feature does to eventually result in a benefit.

What are the benefits of the same product?

On the other hand, the benefit of the same product for moms would be the ability to organize their children’s toys so that they don’t get lost or clutter the room. The low cost means the items can be easily replaced if kids get too rough with them. The more you know about the customer, the more benefits you can find for your product.

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