What does TH01 mean on a DNA test?

What does TH01 mean on a DNA test?

The gene tyrosine hydroxylase 1 (TH01) has been suggested as a candidate for human longevity. A previous study has shown an association between longevity and specific alleles of the TH01 short tandem repeat (STR) polymorphism in an Italian population. This STR locus is also widely used in forensic genetics.

What is locus TH01?

TH01 is a tetrameric short tandem repeat locus located in intron 01 of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene.

What is a homozygous locus?

Diploid and polyploid cells whose chromosomes have the same allele at a given locus are called homozygous with respect to that locus, while those that have different alleles at a given locus are called heterozygous. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a gene map.

What does D21S11 mean?

Short tandem repeats
KEY WORDS: D21S11; Short tandem repeats; DNA polymorphism; Sequence structure. STR systems are valuable markers which have become widely used in human identification, particularly in criminal cases and mass disasters and paternity testing.

What is the TH01 marker?

TH01 locus, used for personal identification, is a polymorphic microsatellite region located in the first intron of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH). This non-coding tetranucleotide repetitive marker is the subject of numerous studies on neuropsychiatric disorders, main schizophrenia and affective disorders.

What chromosome is TH01?


Other Names Chromosomal Location GenBank Accession
HUMTH01, TC11 UniSTS: 240639 11p15.5; intron 1 of human tyrosine hydroxylase gene Chr 11; 2.149 Mb (May 2004, NCBI build 35) D00269; has 9 repeat units

What does each STR locus represent?

Each locus shows the alleles below it as peaks in the electropherogram. The number of repeats for each allele is indicated.

What does homozygous mean in?

= Homozygous is a genetic condition where an individual inherits the same alleles for a particular gene from both parents.


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