Can you divide in Stata?

Can you divide in Stata?

Note that the / tells Stata to divide. This is a good example of one of Stata’s built-in mathematical functions that can be used in the generation of new variables.

What is substring in Stata?

substr(s, b, l) returns the substring of ASCII string s starting at position b and continuing for a length of l characters. If there is a binary 0 to the right of b, the substring from b up to but not including the binary 0 is returned. When arguments are not scalar, substr() returns element-by-element results.

What is Tokenize Stata?

Description. tokenize divides string into tokens, storing the result in ‘1’, ‘2’, (the positional local macros). Tokens are determined based on the parsing characters pchars, which default to a space if not specified.

What is set seed in Stata?

Description. set seed # specifies the initial value of the random-number seed used by the random-number functions, such as runiform() and rnormal(). set seed statecode resets the state of the random-number functions to the value specified, which is a state previously obtained from creturn value c(seed).

What does || mean in Stata?

That || is a synonym for | is in the help, but that is as a logical > operator. The | is used to overlay graphs.

What is Egen in Stata?

The Stata command egen, which stands for extended generation, is used to create variables that require some additional function in order to be generated. Examples of these function include taking the mean, discretizing a continuous variable, and counting how many from a set of variables have missing values.

What does Subinstr do in Stata?

subinstr(s, old, new, cnt) returns s with the first cnt occurrences of old changed to new. All occurrences are changed if cnt contains missing.

What does Runiform mean in Stata?

runiform(r, c) returns an r × c real matrix containing uniformly distributed random variates on [0,1). runiform() is the same function as Stata’s runiform() function. rseed() returns the current random-variate seed in an encrypted string form.

What does uniform mean in Stata?

pseudo-random number function
STATA uses a pseudo-random number function uniform() to generate random numbers. If you type in: .generate randnum = uniform() STATA generates a 16-digit values over the interval [0, 1) for each case in the data.

What is a Varlist in Stata?

The by varlist: prefix causes Stata to repeat a command for each subset of the data for which the values of the variables in varlist are equal.

Which is better Stata or SPSS?

Stata allows for normal analysis procedures, while SPSS is ideal for large amounts of data and multivariate analysis. SPSS is the better choice for social and medical science fields, as opposed to econometrics. In other words, SPSS is best for complex data management. Stata is more suited for research and analysis.

What does Egen group do in Stata?

egen group_id = group(old_group_var) creates a new group id with numeric values for the categorical variable. generates a new group id with values from 1 to 4 for the categorical variable region and then converts the id variable to a string.

When to split string variables into parts Stata?

split can be useful when input to Stata is somehow misread as one string variable. If you copy and paste into the Data Editor, say, under Windows by using the clipboard, but data are space-separated, what you regard as separate variables will be combined because the Data Editor expects comma- or tab-separated data.

What is the index function in Stata 8?

(In Stata 8, this function was called index().) strpos(“string”,”chars”) returns the starting point of the first occurrence of “chars” within “string”, and strpos(strvar, “chars”) does the same for the values of a string variable strvar.

How does split split the contents of a string?

split splits the contents of a string variable, strvar, into one or more parts, using one or more parse strings (by default, blank spaces), so that new string variables are generated. Thus split is useful for separating “words” or other parts of a string variable.

Is there an alternative to nsplit for Splitting data?

split(numlist) is an alternative to nsplit() for specifying the split. This option splits the data into samples whose sizes are proportional to the values of numlist. The values of numlist can be any positive number. You can specify proportions that sum to 1, or you can specify integers that define ratios for the sample sizes.

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