What happens if you use dog flea medicine on cats?

What happens if you use dog flea medicine on cats?

These treatments can contain permethrin, which is toxic to cats. Permethrin poisoning causes ataxia, tremors, tachycardia, salivation, dilated pupils and seizures, which can be fatal. Effects start between 1-12 hours after exposure and last up to 3 days. The only treatment is supportive care.

Can a cat survive dog flea medicine?

4 Cats metabolize drugs differently than dogs and giving your cat your dog’s flea medication can be fatal. If your flea medication is not specifically designed for a cat then it should not be given to your cat.

Can flea medicine kill a cat?

Many flea treatments for dogs are toxic for cats. Ingredients like permethrin are commonly included in dog flea and tick treatments, which can actually kill cats.

What if my cat licks the flea medicine?

If your pet happens to lick the topical flea medication, give them a small amount of their food to help relieve the bad taste. Next, contact your veterinarian or the APCC for additional steps to take and signs to monitor for.

What happens if a cat licks Frontline Plus?

Drooly Kitty Luckily, the main active ingredient in Frontline is fipronil, which is not lethal if ingested. The medication’s taste usually causes the most notable reaction, as the cat’s mouth waters to get rid of the foul flavor. She’ll eventually rid herself of the taste and return to normal.

What is the difference between Frontline for dogs and cats?

Despite the fact that fipronil and methoprene are approved for use on both dogs and cats, there is a major difference between the two types of Frontline Plus. Comparing the two products, Frontline Plus for Cats has a higher concentration of active ingredients than the dog version.

What happens if a cat licks flea medicine?

Why does dog flea medicine kill cats?

These products frequently contain pyrethrins. Some cats are more sensitive to these products than others. Because of owner error, owners mistakenly put certain DOG flea products on their cat, causing neurologic signs, seizures, coma, even death. The dangerous ingredient in these products is permethrin.

How long does flea medicine take to dry on cats?

Topical products can take a few hours to soak into the skin layer. Avoid petting your cat for 24-48 hours in the spot where you applied a topical medication.

Is it safe to use flea medication on a cat?

In addition to all the different ways flea medications can be applied, there are a variety of different types of drugs, as well as all-natural ingredients, that are used in pets. Some are safe for both dogs and cats at appropriate dosages while others are toxic to cats.

What happens if you put dog fleas on your cat?

Some cats are more sensitive to these products than others. Because of owner error, owners mistakenly put certain DOG flea products on their cat, causing neurologic signs, seizures, coma, even death. The dangerous ingredient in these products is permethrin.

How can I get rid of fleas on my Cat?

Can You Use Dog Flea Control on a Cat? 1 Types of Flea Medications. Topical – Typically applied to the back of the neck in a location that is not able to be licked off by your pet, topical flea 2 Medications Used to To Treat Fleas. 3 Giving Your Cat Your Dog’s Flea Medication. 4 Safe Flea Medications For Cats.

What causes a cat to get Flea and tick poisoning?

The causes of this condition are as follow: 1 Sensitivity to the medicine 2 Medicine clinging to hair coats 3 Unusually low body temperature 4 Overdosing of medication 5 Ingestion of topical medication 6 Medication not being used as directed or for the correct species 7 Close contact to another pet being treated with medication More

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