How far is Phnom Penh from Siem Reap?

How far is Phnom Penh from Siem Reap?

146 miles
It’s 146 miles (235 kilometers) from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh if you travel by plane, but by road it’s between 198 and 250 miles (319 and 403 kilometers) depending on which National Road you take. This can take 40-60 minutes by plane or between 5 and 8 hours by car or bus.

How many days to spend in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh?

Most travelers recommend spending at least 4 days in Siem Reap to visit the incredible ancient sights, but also 2 -3 days in Phnom Penh to really immerse and get a good feel of Cambodia’s recent history and present through its museums, monuments, and interesting neighborhoods.

How long is bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh?

The best way to travel the 230km distance from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh is by bus. This bus journey costs $14 and takes 6 hours.

How long is the bus ride from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

2. From Bangkok to Siem Reap by Bus. Buses leave from Bangkok’s Mo Chit station twice a day and reach the Cambodian border in about 3.5 hours.

What is Siem Reap known for?

Siem Reap province is located in northwest Cambodia. It is the major tourist hub in Cambodia, as it is the closest city to the world famous temples of Angkor (the Angkor temple complex is north of the city). Property values have soared to European levels and tourism has become a vast, lucrative industry.

How many days should I stay in Siem Reap?

Re: How long to stay in Siem Reap? 3 – 4 days in Siem Reap would be enough. The common temple tour is one day, but if you want to explore the lost jungle temples such as Beng Mealea and Koh Keh, you will need another day.

How long is bus from Ho Chi Minh to Siem Reap?

about 12-20 hours
How long does it take from Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap? Travel by bus/minivan from Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap takes about 12-20 hours.

Is Siem Reap expensive?

A single person estimated monthly costs are 573$ without rent. Siem Reap is 52.05% less expensive than New York (without rent). Rent in Siem Reap is, on average, 89.86% lower than in New York.

How much is bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap?

How much does a bus ticket from Bangkok to Siem Reap cost? The average bus ticket price from Bangkok to Siem Reap is $25. The best way to find cheap bus tickets from Bangkok to Siem Reap is to book your tickets as early as possible.

Is there a beach in Siem Reap?

There are no beaches in Siem Reap, so keep your bikinis poolside and off the street.

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