How do you write a reactive media statement?

How do you write a reactive media statement?

6 Top Tips for Writing a Crisis Statement

  1. Use key messages, verified information and don’t get defensive.
  2. Define and isolate the actual problem.
  3. Produce at least three key messages.
  4. Present negatives in a broad context.
  5. Express empathy and take action.
  6. Be honest.

What is a reactive media statement?

A reactive statement means you get your statement ready but hold off on publishing it anywhere unless you receive specific enquiries on the crisis or incident. A reactive response can be used if it is likely that the story won’t reach the media.

How do you write a holding statement for media?

Your statement should include:

  1. A factual headline.
  2. The date and time.
  3. The location of the incident.
  4. Basic details that have been confirmed.
  5. Actions your organisation is taking that you are willing to make public.
  6. An expression of compassion or empathy (if appropriate)
  7. Contact details OR details on further updates.

What is a media holding statement?

A holding statement consists of the few brief sentences you give to the media when they first call immediately after the crisis has occurred. You may not have all the information you need about the crisis to provide a full statement, but you know you need to buy yourself some time as you gather information.

What are drawer statements?

A “Drawer statement” is a technical public relations term. It refers to a document prepared by a professional, usually from the PR department, to give background or explanatory information about an issue, product or event. A drawer memo is meant to be kept “in a drawer” and not released to the general public.

What is the difference between a press statement and a press release?

There is a subtle difference between a press release and a press statement, although organizations often use the two terms interchangeably. A press release is generally used for new information such as an announcement or update. A press statement is utilized for a reactionary statement.

What is the difference between reactive and proactive?

A proactive approach focuses on eliminating problems before they have a chance to appear and a reactive approach is based on responding to events after they have happened. The difference between these two approaches is the perspective each one provides in assessing actions and events.

What is a proactive response?

A corporate action that takes the necessary steps before the actual occurrence of a problem. One of the four steps undertaken by companies in response to the social and environmental problems posed by its activities.

What is a holding statement example?

Here is an example of a holding statement that brings all these elements together: “We are deeply saddened to confirm that two of our colleagues were injured in a fire at our office in Reading earlier this morning. They are both currently receiving medical treatment.

What is a drawer statement?

How long is a holding statement?

Ideally, the holding statement should be no more than three to six sentences long. Again, the intent is to fill the information vacuum quickly and the longer the statement is, the greater the temptation will be to start editing. Longer, more detailed explanations can follow as the situation unfolds.

What do you say to the media in a crisis?

During a crisis, you should keep these goals in mind: Offer information to reduce the chance of speculation and inaccurate information being reported to the public. Never say ” No Comment.” Instead, tell reporters the situation is still being reviewed and you will have a statement as soon as you have all of the facts.

How to write a statement to the media?

How to Write a Statement. Statements from you personally should always be written in the first person. You don’t have to use quotation marks because the whole thing is a quote. Italics are fine if you want to set off the text. When you’re releasing it to the media, don’t forget contact information.

When to respond to a crisis media management incident?

When the worst happens you need to be able to respond quickly. And that time frame for responding is constantly changing – the latest thinking suggests organisations have just 15 minutes to respond to a crisis media management incident.

What should I include in a response to a journalist?

Look to include examples of the steps that have been taken in response to the incident, examples of the company’s previously good safety record and examples of how the company is taking good care of victims. In an ideal world, you would be able to provide all the basic information a journalist would be looking for. What happened?

When do you need to make a press statement?

No matter how busy you are, whether the news is good or bad, you need to be heard. That’s when you need to get out a press statement. Its sole purpose is to provide the news media with quotes from you and facts that can be attributed to you so that your side of the story is heard.

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