What is the meaning of essentially contested concepts?

What is the meaning of essentially contested concepts?

They are “concepts the proper use of which inevitably involves endless disputes about their proper uses on the part of their users”, and these disputes “cannot be settled by appeal to empirical evidence, linguistic usage, or the canons of logic alone”. …

Is justice an essentially contested concept?

Because social justice is an essentially contested concept, it has no true or core meaning, only several conflicting interpretations.

Why is security an essentially contested concept?

This is the extent to which security’s meaning should, and can be fixed. Thus, security is best understood as an ‘essentially contested concept’ because any sort of fixed definition of security would be unwise; all static definitions have inherent problems.

What factors can make strategy a contested concept?

Strategy is a contested concept. The generic literature is characterized by a diverse range of competing theories and alternative perspectives….

  • Technological Assets.
  • Complementary Assets.
  • Financial Assets.
  • Reputational Assets.
  • Structural Assets.
  • Institutional Assets.
  • Market Assets.

What is a contested issue?

Something that’s contested is argued over or questioned. Contested election results may need to be re-counted, since the two sides can’t agree on their validity. Controversial and contentious issues — like debated topics or lawsuits — are often described as “hotly contested,” or energetically argued over.

Why is globalization a contested concept?

Globalization is thus a highly contested concept and phenomenon. Contradictory and competing views, in turn, seem to be based on different interpretations of the present dominant forms of globalization, and of the material, economic, social and cultural conditions that these forms produce and give rise to.

What does it mean to be contested?

Something that’s contested is argued over or questioned. Controversial and contentious issues — like debated topics or lawsuits — are often described as “hotly contested,” or energetically argued over.

What is contested culture?

In the cultural studies definition, culture is a contested site of meaning. According to this view, com- munication is a process through which individuals and groups negotiate and struggle over the “agreed upon” and “appropriate” meanings assigned to reality. Communication is a process of utilizing cultural resources.

What are contested spaces?

Contested Spaces is a global study of sites of conflict, places of loss, fear, resistance and pilgrimage where the materiality of violence forcibly brings the past into the present.

What is contested concept in globalization?

Why is culture a contested concept?

In the cultural studies definition, culture is a contested site of meaning. People leverage culture to build collective identities and exploit or mobilize for personal, eco- nomic, or political gain. Communication is a process of utilizing cultural resources.

When did the term essentially contested concept come about?

Since its introduction by W.B. Gallie in 1956, the expression “essentially contested concept” has been treated both as a challenge and as an excuse by social theorists.

Can a dispute centred on an essentially contested concept?

Disputes centred on essentially contested concepts are “perfectly genuine”, “not resolvable by argument”, and “nevertheless sustained by perfectly respectable arguments and evidence”.

How is ” this picture is painted in oils ” successfully contested?

Gallie speaks of how “This picture is painted in oils ” can be successfully contested if the work is actually painted in tempera; while “This picture is a work of art” may meet strong opposition due to disputes over what “work of art” denotes. He suggests three avenues whereby one might resolve such disputes:

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