How do you get a custom spray in TF2?

How do you get a custom spray in TF2?

1 Answer

  1. Have a spray image. You can download and install a premade one, or create your own by converting an image to VTF format.
  2. Have sprays turned on in the multiplayer options.
  3. Be playing on a server that has sprays enabled.
  4. Press the Spray key (default T ) while pointing at a valid target.

Can you use sprays in TF2?

Sprays are a feature of the PC version of Team Fortress 2 that allow players to “spray” (default key: T) their own images on surfaces within a game server such as walls, ceilings, or floors instantly.

How do you open a TF2 spray?

To enable sprays, the first should be set to 0. The second sets how many rounds sprays are visible for. The default is 2, and if it’s set to zero sprays won’t appear at all, even if the first command enables them. If those commands aren’t in your autoexec.

What resolution is a TF2 spray?

This guide will show you how to make high definition 1024×1020 resolution sprays for use in TF2 (and other Source games) with the help of a handy online VTF converter, without going above the 512 KB file size limit!

Why can’t I see my spray in TF2?

Disable sprays is in there, that may be what you have on. I can’t see any sprays after the update either. try creating a server and testing it there first. if it works then it’s the servers you are playing on.

How do you import sprays in Team Fortress 2?

For starters, you can try importing a spray with TF2’s built-in spray importer, which is relatively buggy. You can try to get it to work by going to Multiplayer options, and clicking the ‘Import Spray’ button. Create an image file with dimensions with dimensions either 128×128 or 256×256. Open up TF2 and attempt to import your spray.

How do I convert a spray into a VTF file?

You can convert your spray into a .vtf file manually. To do this, you’ll need a program called VTFEdit, which can be found at: Select the image file you want to convert, keeping in mind its dimensions must be 256×256 (or another power of 2, such as 128×128).

How can I get spray to work on Minecraft?

You can try to get it to work by going to Multiplayer options, and clicking the ‘Import Spray’ button. Create an image file with dimensions with dimensions either 128×128 or 256×256. Open up TF2 and attempt to import your spray. Chances are, TF2 will tell you the image is corrupt or the wrong format.

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