What is the meaning of Unsocialized?

What is the meaning of Unsocialized?

: not socialized specifically : not sufficiently socialized to adjust to societal norms unsocialized and aggressive delinquents.

Is Unsocialized a real word?

Not having been socialized.

What is a fancy word for shy?

Some common synonyms of shy are bashful, coy, diffident, and modest. While all these words mean “not inclined to be forward,” shy implies a timid reserve and a shrinking from familiarity or contact with others.

What do you call an artless person?

Some common synonyms of artless are ingenuous, naive, natural, and unsophisticated.

What is socialized delinquency?

violations of the law by individuals younger than 18 years that result from their adherence to the attitudes and values of a subculture—such as a gang—that glorifies criminal or antisocial conduct. Also called subcultural delinquency.

How do we identify a socialized person?

Answer: we also can identify the socialized person by knowing his/her behaviour, creative and ideal activity, culture, tradition, and s/he follow rules and regulations of the society. also follow social norms and values.

How do you deal with an unsocialized dog?

Tips for Helping an Unsocialized Dog

  1. Connect with a certified professional.
  2. Work at your dog’s pace, whatever that may be.
  3. Keep practicing social distancing with your dog!
  4. Be aware that your dog may not reach the level of socialization you envision – and that’s totally okay!
  5. Keep the end goals in mind.

What do you call a shy girl?

Wallflower. a shy or excluded person at a dance or party, especially a girl without a partner. Shrinking violet/Modest violet. A person referred to as a shrinking violet is a timid or shy person. Reserved.

What is the synonyms of introvert?

synonyms for introvert

  • observer.
  • brooder.
  • homebody.
  • solitary.
  • wallflower.
  • loner.
  • self-observer.
  • thinker.

What is meant artless?

1 : lacking art, knowledge, or skill : uncultured an artless brute. 2a : made without skill : crude an artless attempt to win votes.

What is the best antonyms for artless?

antonyms for artless

  • artful.
  • complicated.
  • contrived.
  • pretentious.
  • sophisticated.

What is neurotic delinquent?

The neurotic delinquent, in con- trast, “acts out” his conflict; instead of having the usual neurotic symptoms he engages in irrational anti-social behavior that serves the same purpose.

Which is the best synonym for the word unsociable?

having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others. an unsociable but not an overtly rude child. Synonyms for unsociable. aloof, antisocial, asocial, buttoned-up, cold, cold-eyed,

Which is the best definition of the word unsocialized?

Definition of unsocialized : not socialized specifically : not sufficiently socialized to adjust to societal norms unsocialized and aggressive delinquents

Are there any other synonyms for the word socialize?

other words for socialize. MOST RELEVANT. entertain. get around. mingle. associate. club. consort. fraternize.

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