Where is Tukey in SPSS?

Where is Tukey in SPSS?

Yes, the ONEWAY (Analyze>Compare Means>One Way ANOVA in the menus), GLM (Analyze>General Linear Model>Multivariate) and UNIANOVA (Analyze>General Linear Model>Univariate) procedures offer the Tukey (HSD, or “Honestly Significant Difference”) test.

How do you correct multiple comparisons ANOVA?

To correct for multiple comparisons of the main ANOVA P values in Prism, you should copy all the P values from the ANOVA results table and paste into one column of a Column table. If you did a three-way ANOVA, you would copy-paste seven P values into one new column.

How does Tukey test work?

The value of the Tukey test is given by taking the absolute value of the difference between pairs of means and dividing it by the standard error of the mean (SE) as determined by a one-way ANOVA test. The SE is in turn the square root of (variance divided by sample size).

What is Tukey test used for?

The Tukey HSD (“honestly significant difference” or “honest significant difference”) test is a statistical tool used to determine if the relationship between two sets of data is statistically significant – that is, whether there’s a strong chance that an observed numerical change in one value is causally related to an …

What is Tukey’s method for multiple comparisons?

What is Tukey’s method for multiple comparisons? Tukey’s method is used in ANOVA to create confidence intervals for all pairwise differences between factor level means while controlling the family error rate to a level you specify.

How to obtain Tukey-Kramer results with unequal sample sizes?

You do not have to do anything special to obtain Tukey-Kramer results with unequal sample sizes. Simply specify Tukey and this table automatically produces Tukey-Kramer comparisons with unequal Ns. An enhancement request has been filed with SPSS Development requesting that this be added to the documentation.

What should be the family error rate for Tukey’s method?

You decide to examine all 10 comparisons between the five plants to determine specifically which means are different. Using Tukey’s method, you specify that the entire set of comparisons should have a family error rate of 0.05 (equivalent to a 95% simultaneous confidence level).

What is the reference line at 0 in Tukey?

Comparison of 95% confidence intervals to the wider 99.35% confidence intervals used by Tukey’s in the previous example. The reference line at 0 shows how the wider Tukey confidence intervals can change your conclusions. Confidence intervals that contain zero indicate no difference.

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