What should I build for Viper?

What should I build for Viper?

Viper’s item build

  • Slippers of Agility + Two Circlets + Iron Branch + Faerie Fire. Screengrab via Valve.
  • Circlet + Two Iron Branches + Two Enchanted Mangoes + Two sets of Tangoes. Screengrab via Valve.
  • Dragon Lance. Screengrab via Valve.
  • Maelstrom. Screengrab via Valve.
  • Arcane Boots.
  • Mekansm.
  • Guardian Greaves.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter.

What should I buy for Legion Commander?

Purchase Order

  • Core Item 1. Blink Dagger.
  • Core Item 2. Daedalus.
  • (normally) Core Item 3. Assault Cuirass.

Are Vipers hard to carry?

Viper is a naturally tanky hero (via corrosive skin) with very high early-mid game carry potential. However, this guide and build aims to alleviate that concern and ensure that viper is the strongest hero in the game from start to finish. The skill build and itemization of viper aims to outplay your opponents.

Is Viper a Tanky?

Viper is naturally tanky against nukes for the first 15-30 mins when he is in his prime. You should build to maximize this window by having plenty of hp, armor, and move-speed. Your goal is to stand in front and hit a tower, survive an initiation and have your position 3-5 counter initiate.

Which lane is Viper?

Viper is great at every stage of the game and he’s very dominant in lane. He’s durable, his damage output is scary and he’s a pain to play against. The pick and win rate of Viper is best throughout 2.000 – 4.000 MMR and it starts decreasing starting from 5.000 MMR.

Is Legion Commander Offlane?

Legion Commander is a competent solo offlaner. Overwhelming Odds, her nuke, means she can harrass and last hit safely, and can pull the hard camp from farther away than most melee offlaners.

Is Viper a carry?

Viper is a mixed damage carry who functions as a powerful team fight hero in the midgame.

Is Viper a good carry?

Viper is not a usual carry hero. Most of carries in Dota 2 are hard to play in the beginning but are really powerful in mid and/or late game, where as Viper is dangerous from the very beginning all the way to the end and most of the time the most dangerous hero on the map.

What race is Viper Valorant?

The American chemist
The American chemist, Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple the enemy’s vision.

What makes legion commander good in Dota 2?

Contributes little to a lane early other than an occasional nuke or heal. Will almost always need a BKB. Somewhat limited in her item choices. As you can see, Legion Commander has very useful attributes and skills make her very strong in most parts of the games and in most roles. Her kit makes her strong as a semi-carry or carry since.

Where does Viper come from in Dota 2?

The malevolent familiar of a sadistic wizard who captured and hoped to tame him, Viper was curiously glad to have been sprung from the sealed and unchanging subterranean Nether Reaches where his race had lived for millions of years, after tectonic slippage had sealed off the Netherdrakes in luminous caverns.

Is the ultimate of Legion commander permanent damage?

Although the first thing many people see in Legion Commander is that her ultimate can give you permanent bonus damage there’s quite a lot more to the hero than that. Some would go so far as to consider that one of the least important aspects of the hero, at least directly. So lets take a look at Tresdin forgetting for the moment about her ultimate:

Which is higher legion commander or soul keeper?

This higher than any other hero except Alchemist under Level 2 or 3 Chemical Rage (up to 4.17 and 5 attacks/second, respectively). The third highest is Soul Keeper at 3.57. Legion Commander and the target enemy hero are forced to attack each other for a short duration.

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