What percentage of market share does Amazon have?

What percentage of market share does Amazon have?

In 2017, Amazon’s market share of the U.S. e-commerce retail market was 37 percent, and this is expected to increase significantly by 2021….Projected retail e-commerce GMV share of Amazon in the United States from 2016 to 2021.

Characteristic Market share
2018* 41%
2017 37%
2016 34%

What is Amazon’s market share in e-commerce?

In 2018, Amazon’s share of the US ecommerce market hit 49%. That’s 5% of all retail spent across the entire country. To put things in perspective, this is more than Amazon’s top three competitors combined, with eBay coming in at 6.6%, Apple at 3.9% and Walmart at 3.7%.

What is Amazon’s global market share?

Top 50 Global Online Retailers 2021: Sales, Market Share, Positioning and Key Performance Indicators – Amazon Tops the List with 7.7% global Market Share in 2020 – ResearchAndMarkets.com.

What is Alibaba’s market share?

Alibaba owned an 8.4% market share of global retail e-commerce in 2020.

Is Amazon a monopoly 2021?

Although Amazon is not currently labeled as a monopoly, as it accumulates more market share, it could become more of a threat to its competitors and start enacting illegal anti-competitive conduct like raising prices and lowering the quality of its products to increase its profits.

What percent does Amazon take?

Remember, Amazon takes a cut of every item sold. This ranges from as low as 6 percent (personal computers) to as high as 45 percent (Amazon device accessories), although referral fees for media products are 15 percent of the total sales price of a product, rather than the item price alone.

What is Amazon’s market share 2021?

41 percent
As of October 2021, Amazon accounted for 41 percent of the U.S. e-commerce market, making it by far the leading online retailer the country. Second place was occupied by the e-commerce site of retail chain Walmart, with a 6.6 percent market share, followed in third place by eBay, with 4.2 percent.

Is Amazon good for ecommerce?

Amazon has come a long way from its humble beginnings as an online bookseller. Since its launch in 1994, Amazon has grown to become an ecommerce behemoth. And with over 564 million products sold in the U.S. alone, Amazon is the uncontested ecommerce leader and continues to grow and innovate.

What is Amazon’s market share in 2021?

Amazon market share in the UK stands at 30%. In other words, it’s dominating the UK’s online retail market, leaving eBay as the second biggest player with a 9.8% share.

Who is Amazon’s biggest competition?

In terms of e-retailers, according to Statista, in 2021 Amazon’s biggest competitors by market share are Walmart (5.3%), eBay (4.7%), Apple (3.7%), and The Home Depot (1.7%), where Amazon led by 38.7%.

Who is Alibaba’s competitors?

Tencent. Tencent is China’s largest internet and technology company. It is Alibaba’s top competitor across all sectors. In 2020, Tencent had 85,858 employees and generated $20.6 billion in revenues.

Who is Alibaba’s target market?

The target audience of the website is always some other company or its employees. Alibaba offers a wholesale platform for small buyers on the global site seeking fast shipment of small quantities of goods.

What’s the market share of Amazon in the world?

This statistic presents the global retail e-commerce market share of Amazon from 2016 to 2019. In 2019, the online retail platform is projected to account for 13.7 percent of worldwide retail e-commerce sales.

What was the GMV of Amazon in 2016?

According to the findings, Amazon’s third-party GMV amounted to 63 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, up from 16.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2011. First-party sales in 2016 amounted to 35.2 billion U.S. dollars. You need a Single Account for unlimited access.

What was the all time high for Amazon stock?

The all-time high Amazon stock closing price was 2039.51 on September 04, 2018.

What was the stock price of Amazon in 2018?

The all-time high Amazon stock closing price was 2039.51 on September 04, 2018. The Amazon 52-week high stock price is 2035.80, which is 14.8% above the current share price. The Amazon 52-week low stock price is 1307.00, which is 26.3% below the current share price.

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