How to give placeholder in select2?

How to give placeholder in select2?

And Jquery for Select2 here: $(“#selectme”). select2({ placeholder: “Assign to:”, allowClear:true });

How do I change the color of a placeholder?

You can change the Select placeholder color by using CSS. Use id only to change the color or placeholder and if you want to change the color of the option then use the option also.

What is data select2 ID?

Select2 requires that the id property is used to uniquely identify the options that are displayed in the results list. If you use a property other than id (like pk ) to uniquely identify an option, you need to map your old property to id before passing it to Select2.

How do you select a placeholder?

There does not exist a placeholder attribute for the tag. However, there are some ways of making a placeholder for the select box. The easiest way of making a placeholder for the element is using the disabled and selected attributes with the HTML5 hidden global attribute.

What Select2 dropdown?

By default, Select2 will attach the dropdown to the end of the body and will absolutely position it to appear above or below the selection container. Select2 will display the dropdown above the container if there is not enough space below the container, but there is enough space above it.

Can we use placeholder in select tag?

There is no placeholder attribute in ‘select’ tag but it can make the placeholder for a ‘select’ box. There are many ways to create the placeholder for a ‘select’ box.

How do I change the color of a selection in CSS?

You can change the background color and color of selected text by styling ::selection . Styling this pseudo element is great for matching user-selected text to your sites color scheme….There are only three properties that ::selection will work with:

  1. color.
  2. background ( background-color , background-image )
  3. text-shadow.

How do I find my select2 ID?

find(“:selected”). data(“id”); First you get the select2 data then you find your selected option with jQuery and finally the data-attribute. Select2 v4 relies on tags instead of hidden tags so it’s now easier to get the selected option or options: you just refer to the original .

How do I create a select2 dynamically?

Select2 jQuery plugin is easy to add on the element. Need to call the select2() method on the selector to initialize. If you adding select2 on a class or select element and when you add an element dynamically then select2 is not initialized on that element.

What is placeholder text in HTML?

The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of a input field / textarea. The short hint is displayed in the field before the user enters a value.

How does the placeholder selector work in CSS?

Definition and Usage. The ::placeholder selector selects form elements with placeholder text, and let you style the placeholder text. The placeholder text is set with the placeholder attribute, which specifies a hint that describes the expected value of an input field. Tip: The default color of the placeholder text is light grey in most browsers.

How to select an option with a placeholder?

Alternatively, the value of the placeholder option can be a data object representing a default selection ( ). In this case the id of the data object should match the value of the corresponding default selection. $ (‘select’).select2 ({ placeholder: { id: ‘-1’, // the value of the option text: ‘Select an option’ } });

How to use placeholder as default value in Select2 framework?

In the current version of select2 you just need to add the attribute data-placeholder=”A NICE PLACEHOLDER”. select2 will automatically assign the placeholder. Please note: adding an empty inside the select is still mandatory. Try this.In html you write the following code.

What is the value of a placeholder in jQuery?

Alternatively, the value of the placeholder option can be a data object representing a default selection ( ). In this case the id of the data object should match the value of the corresponding default selection.

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