When you are old and GREY and full of sleep the rhythmic pattern?

When you are old and GREY and full of sleep the rhythmic pattern?

Iambic Pentameter: It is a type of meter consisting of five iambs. This poem comprises iambic For Example, “When you are old and grey and full of sleep.”

When your old and gray and full of?

William Butler Yeats Quotes When you are old and gray and full of sleep, and nodding by the fire, take down this book and slowly read, and dream of the soft look your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep.

Who wrote when you’re old and GREY and full of sleep?

William Butler Yeats
William Butler Yeats1865 – 1939.

What does the phrase full of sleep mean in the poem when you are old?

In the first line of the poem “when you are old and grey and full of sleep”, Yeats tries to put her mind in the future, when she’ll be old and near death. The phrase “full of sleep” has the connotation that we can feel and image her tiredness in that time and she is going to die in a soon future.

What are the glowing bars in When You Are Old?

The glowing bars- the iron bars in the fire-place are glowing hot because of the fire burning in it. And bending love fled- The poet imagines that in her old age his beloved would feel that love has left the world, and lives now in the stars and the mountains.

How is the title When You Are Old relevant?

The title suggests that how the future would be without true love, how the person being addressed would regret after rejecting the man’s true love. Another alternate title could be ‘ The rejected love ‘.

What is Pilgrim Soul?

A pilgrim is a traveller. Soul in this case means mind or personality. A pilgrim soul might mean a part of you that wants to travel, or it may mean that your personality changes over time. There is one man who loves that part of you.

What are the glowing bars in When You are Old?

Why did Yeats write when you are old?

“When You Are Old” is a poem by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats. In the poem, which is published in Yeats’s second collection, The Rose (1893), the speaker asks someone to think ahead to old age, strongly suggesting that the addressee will eventually regret being unwilling to return the speaker’s love.

How does the Speaker distinguish his love from that of the others in the poem when you are old?

How does the speaker distinguish/contrast his love from/with that of the others? Answer: He says that he loved her inner beauty and even the fading away of her youth and beauty. The phrase ‘how many’ in the first line (second stanza) stands in contrast to ‘But one man’, in the third line (second stanza).

When you are old is a poem of contrasts explain?

The poet visualizes an unreal condition that the woman he loved became old and felt regret for refusing his true love. To depict such a theme, the poet deploys elegant and quiet words and builds pictures of contrasts: In the first stanza, there is a contrast between her elegant youth and her depressing old age.

Who is the poet addressing his poem to describe the person when you are old?

Maud Gonne
“When You Are Old” is a bittersweet poem that reveals the complexities of love. The poem is generally taken to be addressed to Maud Gonne, an Irish actress with whom Yeats was infatuated throughout his life (which is why we’re using male and female pronouns in this guide).

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