What does being a degenerate mean?

What does being a degenerate mean?

Degenerate is defined as a person who is immoral, corrupt or sexually perverted. An example of a degenerate is a thief. The definition of degenerate is someone or something that has lost their former good character or morality.

What is called degenerate?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state the last degenerate member of a noble family— W. E. Swinton. b : having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type …

What is a degenerate state?

noun. Usually degenerate states. Physics. a quantum state of a system, having the same energy level as, but a different wave function from, another state of the system.

What is meant by degenerate and non degenerate state?

The dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to that eigenvalue is known as its degree of degeneracy, which can be finite or infinite. An eigenvalue is said to be non-degenerate if its eigenspace is one-dimensional.

What’s a degenerate person?

Definitions of degenerate. a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. synonyms: deviant, deviate, pervert.

What are degens?

The Degens from Upcountry (short for “degenerates”) are an unorganized group of louts who form the Hicks’ primary antagonist on Letterkenny through Season 4. One or more of their number scrap with the Hicks on numerous occasions.

What is a social degenerate?

Degeneracy is a theory that was popular in the late 19th century, based on the premise that certain (lower) social classes and races were predisposed to various neurological and mental illnesses due to bad heredity, resulting in social degradation.

What is a degenerate male biology?

Degeneracy means a mutation altering one base in a codon is unlikely to alter the amino acid structure of the encoded protein, because the codon is likely to still encode the same amino acid. This makes the genetic code more fault-tolerant to point mutations. Answered by Abigail M. • Biology tutor.

What is meant by non degenerate states?

In this section we focus on a non-degenerate state |n(0)> with fixed n. This means that. |n(0)> is a single state that is separated by some finite energy from all the states with more. energy and from all the states with less energy.

What is meant by non-degenerate?

Nondegenerate forms A nondegenerate or nonsingular form is a bilinear form that is not degenerate, meaning that is an isomorphism, or equivalently in finite dimensions, if and only if for all implies that . The most important examples of nondegenerate forms are inner products and symplectic forms.

What is degenerate state in physics?

A term referring to the fact that two or more stationary states of the same quantum-mechanical system may have the same energy even though their wave functions are not the same. In this case the common energy level of the stationary states is degenerate.

What does the name degenerate mean?

Degenerate is defined as a person who is immoral, corrupt or sexually perverted. An example of a degenerate is a thief. The definition of degenerate is someone or something that has lost their former good character or morality.

What does degenerate matter mean?

Degenerate matter in physics is a collection of free, non-interacting particles with a pressure and other physical chara cteristics determined by quantum mechanical effects. It is the analogue of an ideal gas in classical mechanics. [>>>]

What is the adjective for degenerate?

As an adjective, degenerate is defined as having lost physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal or desirable. If we define it as a noun, degenerate means immoral or corrupt. As a verb, degenerate means to decline physically, mentally, or morally.

What is the plural of degenerate?

degenerate ( plural degenerates ) One who is degenerate, who has fallen from previous stature; an immoral person. In the cult of degenerates, acts of decency, kindness and modesty could be seen as acts of apostasy.

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