What does it mean to eschew ostentatious erudition?

What does it mean to eschew ostentatious erudition?

Eschew ostentatious erudition: some students think the way to sound academic is to use big words. Be careful–you can sound ridiculous, especially if you use the wrong big words. But you do not have to explain every single word or issue.

What is ostentatious erudition?

n pretentious, showy, or vulgar display.

What does the ostentatious mean?

: attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation an ostentatious display of wealth/knowledge The power of the government was present …

What is the synonym of erudition?

Some common synonyms of erudition are knowledge, learning, and scholarship. While all these words mean “what is or can be known by an individual or by humankind,” erudition strongly implies the acquiring of profound, recondite, or bookish learning. an erudition unusual even in a scholar.

What is meaning of erudition in English?

: extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

What is the etymology of erudite?

Erudite derives via Middle English “erudite” from Latin eruditus, the past participle of the verb erudire, meaning “to instruct.” A closer look at that verb shows that it is formed by combining the prefix e-, meaning “missing” or “absent,” with the adjective “rudis,” which means “rude” or “ignorant” and is also the …

What is an example of ostentatious?

The definition of ostentatious is someone or something designed to get notice or draw attention by being inappropriate, showy, vulgar and in bad taste. An example of ostentatious is when someone buys huge diamonds and drives very expensive cars in order to show off.

What does profound erudition meaning?

What is a erudite person?

: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition an erudite scholar.

How do you use the word erudition?

Erudition sentence example. He was a man of erudition , but he owed his fame chiefly to his personality.

What is the meaning of erudite person?

Where does the word ostentatious come from?

Ostentatious comes from a Latin word meaning “display,” and the idea of display is still very apparent in the English word as it is currently used. People and things described as ostentatious seem to have put themselves on display; they are practically begging to be looked at.

Which is the best definition of the word erudition?

Definition of erudition. : extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

Are there any synonyms for the word eschew?

other words for eschew. MOST RELEVANT. abandon. avoid. forgo. forswear. renounce. shun. shy away from.

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