Who is the parent company of La Poste?

Who is the parent company of La Poste?

What is La Poste? French company La Poste is the postal service subsection of parent company Le Groupe La Poste. La Poste’s one of the oldest postal services in France and has built a solid reputation for postal services and continues to be the go-to option for parcel delivery, especially for people in France.

Where is the La Poste Postal Service located?

La Poste is a postal service company in France, operating in Metropolitan France as well as in the five French overseas departments and the overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

When was the first postal cheque made in France?

Postal cheques were created in 1918. The first airmail flight operated in 1912 between Nancy and Lunéville and a regular airmail network was put in place in 1935 through the “Air Bleu” company. Night airmail services started in 1939 on two lines: Paris – Bordeaux – Pau and Paris – Lyon – Marseille. Postcodes were introduced in France in 1964.

When did p & t become part of Postes et telecommunications?

The government took a monopoly over telephone services in 1889 and placed this responsibility under the P. The administration then became PTT and kept this name until 1959 when it became “Postes et Télécommunications”, although the acronym PTT was kept.

What kind of services does Groupe La Poste offer?

While Groupe La Poste operates various services through subsections, such as banking and insurance with La Banque Postale and telecommunications through La Poste Mobile, it is predominantly focused on logistics through both La Poste and its international logistics counterpart, GeoPost.

What are the tracking numbers for La Poste?

The La Poste tracking numbers are generally composed of 11 to 15 characters, with numbers and capital letters. For example, a La Poste tracking number can look like the following one: 6Q01929938641.

Where are the majority of La Poste warehouses located?

However, the majority of La Poste warehouses are located in France and the majority of the deliveries and operations are also made in France. French merchants often use La Poste to take care of the delivery of their parcels.

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