How do I convert a bz2 file?

How do I convert a bz2 file?

FileZigZag is one example that runs in your browser to convert BZ2 to GZ, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, TBZ, TGZ, 7Z, and other similar formats. Just upload the file to that website and choose which format to convert it to. You then have to download the converted file back to your computer before you can use it.

How do I run TAR bz2?

bz2) file via Terminal.

  1. Download the desired .tar.gz or (.tar.bz2) file.
  2. Open Terminal.
  3. Extract the .tar.gz or (.tar.bz2) file with the following commands. tar xvzf PACKAGENAME.tar.gz.
  4. Navigate to the extracted folder using cd command. cd PACKAGENAME.
  5. Now run the following command to install the tarball. ./configure.

What do I do with a .TAR file?

Since TAR files are simply archives, they need to be compressed by another utility, such as gzip, to reduce their size. The TAR format is often used for open source software distribution. Tar unzip software like WinZip is needed to unpack a tar file.

What do I do with BZ2 files?

Th BZ2 format is used to compress single files only and is not able to archive a group of files. That means you need to assemble the group of files you want to compress into an archive first, then apply bzip2 compression to that archive file. On UNIX/Linux, this file archiving is commonly done with the TAR utility.

How do I run tar bz2 on Windows?

How to open TAR-BZ2 files

  1. Save the .
  2. Launch WinZip from your start menu or Desktop shortcut.
  3. Select all the files and folders inside the compressed file.
  4. Click 1-click Unzip and choose Unzip to PC or Cloud in the WinZip toolbar under the Unzip/Share tab.

How to unzip a tar.bz2 file?

How to Extract (Unzip) Tar Bz2 File 1 Extract tar.bz2 File #. By default the tar utility comes pre-installed in most Linux distro and macOS. 2 Extracting Specific Files from a tar.bz2 File #. To extract a specific file from a tar.bz2 file, you should give the file name which you want to extract. 3 Listing tar.bz2 File #. 4 Conclusion #.

How to uncompress tar.gz file on Mac?

How to Extract or Uncompress .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 File on Mac. In macOS, the process is too simple to require an explanation – just double-click on the icon and Mac will launch The Unarchiver app to extract the file. However, as in the case of Windows, you may need to unpack it twice.

What’s the difference between gzip and bzip2?

The bzip2 command is similar to gzip but uses a different compression algorithm that archives a higher level of compression at the cost of compression speed. A file compressed with bzip2 have the extension.bz2 4. xz The xz is a general-purpose data compression tool with command line syntax similar to gzip and bzip2.

How do I extract a tar file in Linux?

Most Linux distributions and macOS comes with the tar utility pre-installed by default. To extract a tar.bz2 file, use the –extract (-x) option and specify the archive file name after the -f option: tar -xf archive.tar.bz2 The tar command auto-detects compression type and extracts the archive.

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