What are the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate data?

What are the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate data?

List of four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate data are;

  • Data transfer group – Example : MOV, MVI, LXI.
  • Arithmetic group – Example: ADD, SUB, INR.
  • Logical group – Example: ANA, XRA, CMP.
  • Branch group – Example: JMP, JNZ, CALL.

What are the data manipulation instruction?

The data manipulation instructions in a typical computer usually divided into three basic types as follows.

  1. Arithmetic instructions.
  2. Logical and bit manipulation instructions.
  3. Shift instructions.

What do you mean by data manipulation instructions?

Data manipulation instructions are those that. perform arithmetic, logic ,shift operation. Program control instructions provide decision. making capabilities and change the path taken by. the program when executed in the computer.

Is a set of instructions for manipulating data?

A computer is a machine which is used for manipulating data according to a list of instructions. The list of instructions which is designed in order to perform a task is known as a program.

Which is the example of 8085 instruction category?

Instruction Set Classification of 8085 Microprocessor

Description No. of opcodes Example
Arithmetic Instructions 62 ADD, SUB etc.
Logical Instructions 43 AND, XOR etc.
Stack Instructions 15 PUSH, POP etc.
Branch Instructions 36 JMP, JZ etc.

What is opcode and operand in microprocessor 8085?

The opcode is the instruction that is executed by the CPU and the operand is the data or memory location used to execute that instruction.

What are the types of data manipulation?

So there are four basic types of data manipulation carried out in computers:

  • moving data around unchanged;
  • carrying out arithmetic operations on data;
  • testing data;
  • carrying out logic operations on data.

What are the different types of data manipulation?

Common operations used to manipulate data include row and column filtering, aggregation, join and concatenation, string manipulation, classification, regression, and mathematical formulas.

Why do we manipulate data?

Data manipulation tools allow you to modify data to make it easier to read or organize. These tools help identify patterns in your data that may otherwise not be obvious. For instance, you can arrange a data log in alphabetical order using a data manipulation tool so that discrete entries are easier to find.

What are data manipulation instructions in PLC?

Data manipulation instructions allow numerical data stored in the controller’s memory to be operated on within the control program. This category of word operation in- structions allows the user to truly exploit the computer capabilities of the PLC.

How many types of instructions are there in 8085?

– The 8085 uses a total of 246 bit patterns to form its instruction set. – These 246 patterns represent only 74 instructions.

What are the instruction set of 8085?

Data Transfer Group

Instruction Set Explanation Machine Cycles
MVI r, data [r] ←data Move immediate data to register 3
LXI rp, data 16 [rp] ←data 16 bits, [rh] ←8 MSBs, [rl] ←8 LSBs of data Load Register pair immediate 3
LDA addr [A] ←[addr] Load Accumulator direct 4
STA Addr [addr] ←[A] Store accumulator direct 4

Which is an example of an 8085 instruction?

1. list the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate data. Data transfer group – Example: MOV, MVI, LXI. Arithmetic group – Example: ADD, SUB, INR. Logical group – Example: ANA, XRA, CMP. Branch group – Example: JMP, JNZ, CALL. 2. Define opcode and operand.

Which is addressing mode does Intel 8085 use?

Intel 8085 uses the following addressing modes: In this addressing mode, the address of the operand (data) is given in the instruction itself. STA 2400H: It stores the content of the accumulator in the memory location 2400H. 32, 00, 24: The above instruction in the code form.

How many ports does an 8085 microprocessor have?

The IN or OUT instruction mnemonics should be followed by an 8-bit port address. Thus we can have 2 8 = 256 input ports and 256 output ports are possible in 8085-based microcomputers.

Where does Intel 8085 store accumulator data?

Intel 8085 uses the following addressing modes: In this addressing mode, the address of the operand (data) is given in the instruction itself. STA 2400H: It stores the content of the accumulator in the memory location 2400H.

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