What do you mean by oppressive?

What do you mean by oppressive?

1 : cruel or harsh without just cause oppressive laws. 2 : very unpleasant or uncomfortable oppressive heat. Other Words from oppressive. oppressively adverb.

What does non oppressed mean?

: not oppressed especially emotionally.

What is the synonym of oppressive?

Some common synonyms of oppressive are burdensome, exacting, and onerous. While all these words mean “imposing hardship,” oppressive implies extreme harshness or severity in what is imposed.

Is oppressively an adjective or adverb?

oppressively adverb (CRUELLY)

What is oppressed person?

To be oppressed is to be exploited or systematically harmed by others. People who have no freedom are oppressed. Being oppressed is a negative and unfair condition. So people who are oppressed tend to be angry — and for good reason. Oppressed people tend to fight for their freedom, and they often get it.

What does oppressed mean example?

The definition of oppress is to keep something down using cruel or unjust power. An example of oppress is for a dictator to force the poor people of his country to work in terrible conditions for little pay. A people who were oppressed by tyranny.

What is an oppressed person?

What are two synonyms for oppressive?

synonyms for oppressive

  • brutal.
  • burdensome.
  • cruel.
  • depressing.
  • dictatorial.
  • harsh.
  • heavy-handed.
  • inhuman.

Is depressive a noun?

DEPRESSIVE (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does overbearing mean?

1a : tending to overwhelm : overpowering had to deal with his overbearing mother. b : decisively important : dominant didn’t think it was the overbearing consideration here— J. S. Cooper. 2 : harshly and haughtily arrogant the mayor’s overbearing manner of dealing with employees.

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