Who has best synergy with Lux?

Who has best synergy with Lux?

Purely for the pleasure of the eyes, there are no other two champions that go better together than Lux and Ezreal!

Who goes well with Lux support?

ADC’s that have cc and long range do well with her. Jhin has a lot of synergy, Cait and Jinx can trap after a binding, Varus is good too. Ashe can work but needs lvl 6. Draven seems to work well as well, simply because of his strong early damage and lane pressure.

Who is Lux best against?

Lux Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Heimerdinger, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.88% (Average) and Play Rate of 0.93% (High)..

What should I build on Lux?

Lux Item Build

  • Sorcerer’s Shoes.
  • Luden’s Tempest.
  • Morellonomicon.
  • Horizon Focus.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass.
  • Shard of True Ice.

Does Lux like sylas?

4 She Had Feelings For Sylas In Sylas, Lux finds someone that she can confide in. He is a mage like her, and keeps her secret. In exchange for his company and his teachings, she often brings him gifts such as books and food. Unfortunately, he does not seem to feel the same way, having no qualms with using her.

Who counters Lux wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Lux Counters are Aurelion Sol, Yasuo, and Gragas, which have the best chance of winning Lux in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Galio or Akali as they will most likely lose to Lux. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Ezreal and Garen are good with Lux.

What SUPP is good with Ashe?

Zilean. Zilean is also one of the strongest support champions for Ashe, and the pair has a similar playstyle to Lux and Ashe. Zilean provides a good amount of poke damage during the laning phase and offers an extra experience to Ashe and himself.

What ADC is best with Lulu?

Kog’Maw. Ideal. You win.

  • Ashe. Strong. Ashe stacks attack speed.
  • Draven. Ok. Draven is meh with Lulu.
  • Ezreal. None. Like no.
  • Caitlyn. Strong. I guess she is ok, even if she doesnt stack that much attack speed.
  • Kalista. Strong. Kalista is nice Give her W+E and watch her kill her foes 🙂
  • Kai’Sa. Ideal.
  • Jinx. Ideal.
  • Does Zed counter Lux?

    Zed has to counter Lux in only 9.3% of his rounds. Unfortunately, Zed does a below average job of countering Lux. Typically, he wins a acceptable 48.9% of the time the champs fight each other in.

    Does ahri counter Lux?

    Unfortunately, Ahri has done a poor job of countering Lux. Typically, she wins a acceptable 48.7% of games the champs oppose one another in. In Ahri versus Lux matches, Ahri’s side is 0.1% less expected to gain first blood, indicating that she most likely won’t be able to get first blood versus Lux.

    What Lane is best for Lux?

    mid lane
    One of League of Legends’ earliest champions, Lux began as a powerful choice in the mid lane but since has found a new position as a support. Changes that have taken place over the seasons have made Lux an extremely powerful supporting champion while remaining a good option in the mid lane.

    What tier is Lux?

    S tier mid laner
    League of Legends: Lux will be an S tier mid laner after Patch 10.11 buff.

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