When should I worry about a bruised thigh?

When should I worry about a bruised thigh?

See your doctor if you notice the following: bruises that keep occurring in the same area. bruising that’s severe after a minor bump or injury.

How serious is a thigh contusion?

Quadriceps contusions can lead to two serious complications: Compartment Syndrome and myositis ossificans. A contusion is the most common acute thigh injury in contact sport such as football, rugby and basketball.

How long does it take a deep thigh bruise to heal?

Returning to Activity & Sports After a Thigh Contusion The time to return to activities and sports depends on the grade/severity of the injury and how you progress with stretching and strengthening exercises. Moderate to severe contusions take an average of 4 to 6 weeks to heal.

What is the immediate treatment for a severe thigh contusion?

The immediate treatment of any soft tissue injury consists of the RICER protocol – rest, ice, compression, elevation and referral. RICE protocol should be followed for 48–72 hours. The aim is to reduce the bleeding and damage in the muscle.

How do you treat a severely bruised thigh?


  1. Wrap thigh with a wet bandage to insulate skin (ace bandage).
  2. Frequently ice the injury for 10-30 minutes.
  3. Use crutches for second and third degree contusions.
  4. Isometric exercises while using ice will control hemorrhaging.
  5. Stretching.
  6. A thigh sleeve or “donut pad” are often helpful on return to play.

What do you do for a badly bruised thigh?

What do you do for a deep thigh bruise?

How should I sleep with a thigh contusion?

However, is important to never sleep with a tensor bandage on. ELEVATION may also be used to manage swelling. This can be done by supporting the leg with pillows or elevating the foot of the athlete’s bed using extra blankets or suitcases under the end of the mattress.

What are the signs of a deep thigh bruise?

A deep thigh bruise may occur as a result of frequent injections. The signs of a deep thigh bruise include a dark blue or purple discoloration and discomfort when pressing on the area. Sometimes, however, pain is absent, leaving the person to wonder how he got the bruise in the first place.

What is the treatment for bruise in inner thigh?

Wrap thigh with a wet bandage to insulate skin (ace bandage).

  • Frequently ice the injury for 10-30 minutes.
  • Use crutches for second and third degree contusions.
  • Isometric exercises while using ice will control hemorrhaging.
  • Stretching.
  • A thigh sleeve or “donut pad” are often helpful on return to play.
  • What are symptoms of deep thigh bruise?

    Main symptoms are pain, swelling, and skin discoloration. The bruise begins as a pinkish red color that can be very tender to touch. It is often difficult to use the muscle that has been bruised. For example, a deep thigh bruise is painful when you walk or run.

    How do you treat a deep thigh muscle bruise?

    Apply ice to the bruised area immediately. Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, can help treat a deep thigh bruise. Bruised thigh. Crutches may be necessary for a severe thigh bruise to keep weight off the injured leg. Rugby players are at risk for deep thigh bruises.

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