What is the meaning of temperament in a sentence?

What is the meaning of temperament in a sentence?

Definition of Temperament. the nature or personality of an animal or individual. Examples of Temperament in a sentence. 1. While the twins are identical physically, they differ in temperament with one being outgoing and the other shy.

How do you describe someone’s temperament?

Temperament:: warm, calm, serene, composed, gentle, mild pleasant, charming, delightful, jovial, cheerful, jolly, hearty, serious, matured, natural; impressionable, impassionate, spirited, excitable, imperturbable, staid, grave, sedate, demure, resigned, playful, unaffected; affected, quick, ferocious, acute, cutting.

What is the simple definition of temperament?

Essential Meaning of temperament. : the usual attitude, mood, or behavior of a person or animal She has a nervous temperament. [=she is a nervous person] The dogs have excellent temperaments. [=dispositions, tempers] See More Examples. Hide.

Which is the best definition of temperament?

temperament, in psychology, an aspect of personality concerned with emotional dispositions and reactions and their speed and intensity; the term often is used to refer to the prevailing mood or mood pattern of a person. More recent theories emphasize the influence of the endocrine glands on emotional reactivity.

What is temperament example?

Timmy, Kevin, and Andrew are examples of temperament types Thomas and Chess described as “easy,” “slow to warm up,” and “difficult.” In temperament terms: Easy children, like Timmy, are adaptable, positive in mood, and interested in new experiences; they get along well with others and are outgoing and friendly.

What are examples of temperament?

Is temperament good or bad?

When we consider children’s temperament as it unfolds in the classroom (or at home), it is important to keep in mind that there is no “good” or “bad” temperament; rather, it is the way the child’s temperament fits with the environment that results in positive or negative outcomes.

Why is temperament important?

Why Is Temperament Important? Temperament is important because it helps caregivers better understand children’s individual differences. Caregivers and families can also use their understanding of temperament to avoid blaming themselves or a child for reactions that are normal for that particular child.

What is temperament in a child?

Temperament is the way children respond to the world. Differences in temperament influence the way children handle emotions, regulate behaviour and feel around new people. You can nurture children’s development using parenting strategies that suit their temperaments.

What are some examples of temperament traits?

Temperament traits

Trait Definition
Mood Typical emotional outlook.
Distractibility Ability to focus.
Persistence – Attention Span Ability to stay with an activity.
Sensory Threshold Reaction to sensory stimuli. (ex. texture, touch, brightness, volume, taste, aroma)

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