What to do if part of toenail breaks off?

What to do if part of toenail breaks off?

File any sharp edges smooth, or trim the nail. This will help prevent catching the nail and tearing it more. Trim off the detached part of a large tear, or leave the nail alone. Cover the nail with tape or an adhesive bandage until the nail has grown out enough to protect the finger or toe.

Should I pull my broken toenail off?

If you have a damaged toenail, you might be tempted to remove it yourself. But while damaged toenails sometimes fall off on their own, it’s not a good idea to force that process. Removing a damaged toenail yourself could lead to serious complications that end up making matters worse.

Will nail grow back if ripped off?

After a nail separates from the nail bed for whatever reason, it will not reattach. A new nail will have to grow back in its place. Nails grow back slowly. It takes about 6 months for a fingernail and up to 18 months for a toenail to grow back.

How do you tell if a stubbed toe is broken?

Broken or fractured toe

  1. swelling around the toe and sometimes into the foot.
  2. discoloration, such as black or blue bruising, around the toe.
  3. a change in the shape of the toe, if a bone is out of place.
  4. trouble moving the toe.
  5. significant pain when walking or putting weight on the toe.
  6. pain that gets worse over several hours.

What happens if you rip a nail off?

When you get a bruise under your nail does the nail fall off?

A bruise sustained under your toenail is not a serious medical condition. It could, however, lead to your nail dying or falling off if proper care is not provided immediately. A bruised toenail could become black or dark blue in appearance. It may in some instances cause a lot of irritation and pain.

Will dead toenail grow back?

Absolutely! If you’ve carefully treated the cause of the dead toenail and removed every section of the nail itself, the toenail will grow back in the vast majority of cases. Be warned that this can take a while – anywhere between six months and a year for full toenail regrowth.

Can toenail fungus cause your nail to fall off?

Toenail fungal infection. Another common reason why one or more toenails can become detached and fall off is a fungal infection. Yeasts and fungi called dermatophytes can get under the nail and eat away at the tissue in the nail bed. This dislodges the nail and it may start to crumble or fall off.

What are the signs and symptoms of an ingrown nail?

Pain and tenderness in your toe along one or both sides of the nail

  • Redness around your toenail
  • Swelling of your toe around the nail
  • Infection of the tissue around your toenail
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