Why do chocolate labs have a shorter life span?

Why do chocolate labs have a shorter life span?

Scientist discovered that chocolate labs are more likely to develop skin and ear diseases, and to die sooner than yellow or black labs. They believes genetics could play a role in the cause. The color of a Labrador retriever’s coat seems to be related to its lifespan and health, according to new research.

What is the life expectancy of a chocolate lab?

The median longevity for all labs is about 12 years, while the median age for chocolate labs was 10.7. Overall, Labrador retrievers are still one of the longest-living dog breeds, reported another recent study.

What health problems do chocolate labs have?

Top 7 Health Concerns in Labrador Retrievers

  • Labrador Retrievers are one of the most common breeds of dogs that have found their place as our beloved companions.
  • Hip Dysplasia.
  • Laryngeal Paralysis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Elbow Dysplasia.
  • Seizures.
  • Cancer.

Is 10 old for a chocolate lab?

Based on genetics alone, the lifespan of your average Labrador is between 10 and 14 years, but there are various factors that will have an effect on your Labradors’ health as they age.

What is the oldest chocolate Labrador?

The oldest known Labrador was Adjutant, who was born in August 1936 and died in November 1963 aged 27 years and three months.

What is a good age for a Labrador to live?

“This is the first study to include a large number of Labrador retrievers based on records gathered from hundreds of U.K. vet clinics,” he said. “It provides owners with information on the issues that they should look out for in Labrador retrievers.”

Is 8 old for a Labrador?

Is My Labrador Old? It may surprise you as it did me, to find out that the pet food companies classify a dog as young as seven years as ‘senior’. Labrador Retrievers as a breed have a life expectancy of around ten to twelve years.

What is the longest a lab has lived?

Adjutant (14 August 1936–20 November 1963), the oldest known Labrador and the seventh-oldest dog whose age has been verified. Age at death: 27 years 3 months.

How old is the oldest chocolate lab?

27 years and three months
Who is the Oldest Known Lab? The oldest known Labrador was Adjutant, who was born in August 1936 and died in November 1963 aged 27 years and three months.

What is the most common cause of death in Labrador Retrievers?

The most common causes of death were musculoskeletal disorders and cancer. More generally, the most common disorders affecting Labrador retrievers were overweight/obesity, ear and joint conditions. Skin and ear disease were significantly more common in chocolate dogs than in black or yellow dogs.

How do you know when your lab is dying?

Some dogs will become restless, wandering the house and seeming unable to settle or get comfortable. Others will be abnormally still and may even be unresponsive. Your dog’s sleeping patterns may change. He may become cranky and difficult to handle, either due to pain or disorientation.

What is the life expectancy of a Labrador retriever?

10 – 12 years
Labrador Retriever/Life expectancy

New Study Reveals Chocolate Labs Have Shorter Lifespan Than Their Yellow and Black Counterparts. The life expectancy for chocolate Labs is 10.7 years, while it is 12 years for yellow and black Labs.

What is the average age of a chocolate lab?

The median longevity for all labs is about 12 years, while the median age for chocolate labs was 10.7. Overall, Labrador retrievers are still one of the longest-living dog breeds, reported another recent study. (Learn more about breeds in “How to Build a Dog.”)

What is the average life expectancy of a lab?

The average life expectancy of a Lab is 12 to 13 years; they are a generally healthy breed with few major problems. However, some of the more frequent health issues are: Hip & Elbow Dysplasia – for this reason, hip scores are strongly recommended before breeding or purchasing a Lab.

What are some facts about chocolate labs?

The chocolate labs have the medium sized body. The female labs have the weight at 25 to 32 kilogram or 55 to 70 lbs. The male labs have the weight at 29 to 36 kilogram or 65 to 80 lbs. The labs are considered obese if they have the weight more than 45 kilogram or 100 lbs.

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