Where can I find Hochschule Niederrhein email address?

Where can I find Hochschule Niederrhein email address?

All students receive a personal email address at the domain “stud.hn.de”. Students are committed to use this email when communicating with Hochschule Niederrhein and to check for new emails at least once a week. The University email is a reliable way of electronic communication.

Where can I get a tan at HS Niederrhein?

The online-exam management is at Online-Portal “HISinOne”. If you no longer have a valid TAN list, you will receive new TANs in our IT service centers. HS Niederrhein is the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to offer the option of using the ticket for public transport in an App for mobile devices.

What do you study at Hochschule Niederrhein in Krefeld?

Our approximately 80 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes cover a broad spectrum of subjects and are tailored to the needs of the region. The Krefeld South campus is the seat of the faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical and Process Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Health Care.

Can you use a VPN at the Hochschule Niederrhein?

The Hochschule Niederrhein offers VPN access to give you the opportunity to access intranet resources from outside the university as well. These include the digital library and the script server. If you wish to use the virtual private network (VPN), you will need an Email address from the Hochschule Niederrhein.

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