Who called from 01803?

Who called from 01803?


05/11/2019 ‭01803 036701‬
18/08/2018 The Adams Family
13/08/2018 01803 299302 , called, hung up
23/07/2018 01803 21666
09/04/2018 Called , hung up cannot cal back

What is the area code for Exeter?

Exeter/Area codes

What is an 01823 number?

💡 01823 is the area code for Taunton and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Taunton have this format : (01823) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01823 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

How many digits is Germany Phone Number?

Germany’s telephone numbers are made up of 9-13 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to Germany using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+operator code+6-8-digit number. Some of the common area codes in Germany include Berlin (30), Cologne (221) and Leipzig (341).

What telephone area is 01803?

01803 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01803 is the area code for Torquay and the surrounding area.

Where is area code 01392 in the UK?

💡 01392 is the area code for Exeter and the surrounding area.

Who called me 01392672445?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01392672445 that called you is a payment phone scam!

What area is 01329 telephone code?

The location for 01329 is Fareham, UK. The 01329 area code will allow you to make calls to Fareham from wherever in the world you are.

Where is 01824 the STD code for?

💡 01824 is the area code for Ruthin and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Ruthin have this format : (01824) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01824 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.

What area code is 01822?

💡 01822 is the area code for Tavistock and the surrounding area.

What’s the area code for Germany?

Germany/Dialing codes

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