What do you write in a housewarming invitation?

What do you write in a housewarming invitation?

Hello near and dear ones, we cordially invite you on the occasion of Griha Pravesh. We are going to move into a new home on [date]. Please bless our new home with your gracious presence. So come and join us for Puja and dinner.

How do you respond to a housewarming invitation?

  1. Thank you for the invitation. I love attending the housewarming parties and have no plans for me, fortunately.
  2. Thanks for inviting me but need to check my calendar before I confirm yes.
  3. I would have definitely accepted your invitation but already have plans for vacation during your annual holiday party.

How do you celebrate a housewarming ceremony?

Things to do before a Griha Pravesh

  1. Choose the auspicious date.
  2. Complete the construction and finishing work.
  3. Make sure the home is Vastu-compliant.
  4. Decorate the entrance.
  5. Clean the entire home.
  6. Purify the home.
  7. Make a rangoli.
  8. Griha pravesh flower decoration.

Does a housewarming party have to be at the new house?

It will be better to throw a housewarming party before moving in because you will not have to deal with the stress of unpacking and you can take all the time you want to re-decorate your new house.

What games do you play at a housewarming party?

The person with the most keys at the end of the party is the winner.

  • New House Scavenger Hunt. A great way to get your guests to pay attention to those special new home details is a scavenger hunt.
  • Room Memory.
  • Pick a Card, Any Card.
  • Famous House Match.
  • House Style Crossword.
  • Unscramble Our House.
  • Oven Mitt Unwrap.

How soon after you buy a house do you have a housewarming party?

Get settled in your new home Just realize there is no need to rush a housewarming party. It’s okay to wait two or three months if that’s what it takes. Waiting also allows you extra time to plan. Consider your new home’s size and how many people it can comfortably accommodate.

Do you open gifts at a housewarming party?

Do not open gifts at the party. This is considered bad etiquette and even rude, as some guests will not bring gifts. Opening gifts may make them feel self-conscious and awkward. The purpose of a housewarming party is to welcome your friends and family into your home, not to solicit gifts.

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