What is introverted sensing?

What is introverted sensing?

Introverted sensing is a perceiving (information-gathering) function. It focuses on the subjective, internal world of personal experience and compares and contrasts new experiences to past experiences and memories.

What is extroverted sensing vs introverted Sensing?

Extraverted Sensing (or what Jung called Extraverted Sensation) occurs by way of the five primary senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste). Introverted Sensing (Si), by contrast, relates to inner bodily sensations such as pain, hunger, thirst, internal temperature, numbness, tingling, muscle tension, etc.

What types have introverted Sensing?

Introverted Sensing (Si) The INFP, INTP, ENFP and ENTP also possess Introverted Sensing; however, it can be found in their 3rd and 4th functions and does not often impact their behavior. Introverted Sensing leads a person to compare the present facts against their past experience; and they trust the past.

What are the 3 Jung preferences?

Jung meant that people was defined by their characteristics within the following three groups:

  • Extraversion – introversion.
  • Sensing – intuition.
  • Thinking – feeling.

What are introverted sensors good at?

Introverted Sensors tend to have very good memories for details. They can easily recall details of things they are interested in: names of movies, actors in movies, names of football players, numbers, percentages, specifications, financial results and prices.

How do INFJs use se?

The INFJs inferior function is their extraverted sensing (se) which focuses on the physical world around them. This works with their introverted intuition, helping to balance things out and prevent them from relying too heavily on their dominant functions to the point where they cannot be a well-balanced individual.

What is Jung classification of personality?

He was the first to distinguish the two major attitudes or orientations of personality – extroversion and introversion (Jung, 1923). He also identified four basic functions (thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting) which in a cross-classification yield eight pure personality types.

What is Entp grip?

The ENTP Grip. When the ENTP is under serious stress or when they have applied too much pressure to their dominant Ne, they can go into their grip. When this occurs the ENTP becomes hyper-focused on their inferior function and their behavior can certainly change drastically.

What is SE grip?

Your behavior will be completely out of character in the grip of extraverted sensing (Se). You may become obsessed with details about the outside world. You might start overdoing sensing activities. You try to control everything in your environment and make endless lists.

What is Ni and Ne?

Introverted Intuition (Ni) and Extroverted Intuition (Ne) are Perceiving functions that enable us to take in the information around us. It is not the role of the Perceiving functions to use that information to make decisions (that’s up to the Judging functions) but to simply absorb and observe it.

What did Carl Jung mean by introverted sensing?

Jung viewed introverted sensing as something of an oxymoron, in that the natural direction of senses is outward toward the object, rather than inward and away from it. One has the sense that Introverted Sensors are drawn more to the measure of the concept of the perceived object than to the experience of that perception.

What are the components of an introverted sensing function?

Si has two components: introversion and sensing. An introverted function is a function that converges towards the subject. A sensing function is a function that concerns sensory data. Combining both, Si is a convergent function that concerns sensory data.

Is there such a thing as an introverted intuition?

Since Introverted Sensing is a Perceiving function, it can be understood, much like Introverted Intuition (Ni), as acting rather passively and outside of conscious control. Like INJs, SJs often experience a strong sense of conviction, a gut feeling about whether some is true or false, right or wrong.

What is the function of extraverted feeling in Jung?

Extraverted feeling (Fe) is the feeling function that is primarily concerned with connection and commonality to others. Since it is extroverted and objective, it encapsulates the system of ‘value’ outward in the form of common courtesy and etiquette.

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