How are Hinduism and Christianity different?

How are Hinduism and Christianity different?

Christianity revolves heavily around the life of Jesus Christ as detailed in the Bible, whereas Hinduism is not based on any one personality or one book, but rather on the philosophy that there is a god, or no god and just self, etc.

Is abortion OK in Hinduism?

According to Hindu bioethics, abortion is allowed only in cases where it is necessary for saving the life of the mother. The perspective of Hinduism is a very pro-life one, emphasizing Ahimsa and its intrinsic reverence for life.

What is the biggest difference between Christianity and Hinduism?

The main difference between these 2 religions is that Christianity recognizes one omnipotent God in three persons, while Hinduism has in its roots thousands of gods and believing that all of them are a manifestation of one god and one omnipotent power.

Is smoking a sin in Hinduism?

Hinduism. While not explicitly prohibited in Hinduism, tobacco use is seen as a kind of intoxication, and as such should not be done in public. Vaishnavas of ISKCON, founded by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1966, are prohibited from using tobacco.

What’s the difference between Hinduism and Catholic religion?

Catholicism had one prophet who spread the religion, Jesus. Hinduism doesn’t have any prophets. Catholics belief that afterlife is heaven. Hindus believe that people are reincarnated or go to Nirvana. Catholics believe all people were created equal and that no person is better than another.

How is Jesus Christ similar to Hindu god?

There are also a few similarities between Jesus Christ and the most popular Hindu god, Krishna. Both men are considered the son of God by their religions. They both performed miracles like healing sick people. Jesus was often called the lion of the tribe of Judah. Krishna was called the lion of the tribe of Saki.

How is the god Brahma related to Christianity?

Interestingly, the Deity in Hinduism has a triple-form, and thus a certain resonance with Christian belief in the Trinity. There is Brahma, the Ultimate Reality, associated most with the transcendence of the Divine, remaining somewhat in the theological background as the revered but disengaged Creator.

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