How tall does Aimee gardenia get?

How tall does Aimee gardenia get?

5 to 8 ft. tall
Gardenia jasminoides ‘Aimee’

Botanical Pronunciation gar-DEEN-ee-uh jas-min-NOY-deez
Average Size at Maturity Moderate growing; reaches 5 to 8 ft. tall, 3 to 6 ft. wide.
Bloom Time Late Spring through Early Summer

Is cape jasmine and gardenia the same?

A native of Asia, Cape jasmine (​Gardenia jasminoides​), also called common gardenia, is prized mainly for its ability to perfume the entire yard. Cape jasmine may be used as a groundcover, espalier, hedge, specimen, bonsai or container plant.

How fast do Aimee Gardenias grow?

Gardenias are considered “moderate” growers meaning that they may add 1 to 2 feet each year, but this depends on not only the cultivar but the growing conditions.

How do you care for a Aimee gardenia plant?

A full sun to light shade lover, this Gardenia is best grown in consistently moist, acidic, organically rich, well-drained soils. Although it prefers full sun, some shade is appreciated during the warmer months of the year or its leaves may scorch and its buds may fall off if they get too much sunlight.

Is gardenia annual or perennial?

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides), a woody perennial shrub, grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. If you’re growing gardenias in a cooler climate, plant them in containers and bring them indoors for the winter.

Which is the largest gardenia?

Aimee Yoshioka
Huge 4-5″ double blooms are intensely fragrant! Aimee Yoshioka is the largest flowered of all Gardenias with large, glossy, dark green foliage on a vigorous and moderately fast growing evergreen shrub.

Where should I plant a gardenia?

Gardenias love a well-drained, humus-rich, acidic soil in a sunny or partly shaded position. Although gardenias can tolerate dry conditions, you should be watering them weekly, and even more in extreme heat. Just be careful not to overwater them as this can cause other problems.

How big does Gardenia jasminoides grow?

3-6′ tall
Gardenia jasminoides, commonly called common gardenia or cape jasmine, is native to southern China and Japan and is an evergreen shrub with thick, glossy, dark green leaves (to 4” long). It typically grows to 3-6′ tall.

Why are gardenias so hard to grow?

If they say it can’t be grown, it’s probably true. Gardenias need even moisture throughout the year and prefer a rich and slightly to moderately acid soil (a pH of about 5.0 to 6.5). They also need good atmospheric humidity, plus cool temperatures in late winter and early spring for bud set.

Do gardenias come back every year?

Gardenias are perennial evergreen shrubs and small trees. These plants enjoy direct sunlight and average temperatures of 68 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Depending on the climate and growing conditions, some gardenia plants act like an annual.

Do gardenias stay green all year?

Evergreen. An evergreen shrub sheds some leaves each year, but the majority remain on the plant. Gardenias, along with other evergreen shrubs, are planted in areas where you want year-round foliage since they hold on to leaves and needles for winter beauty.

Do gardenias come up every year?

How big does a cape jasmine Gardenia get?

Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine) is a large evergreen shrub with thick, lustrous, lance-shaped, dark green leaves and extremely fragrant, white flowers, 3 in. across (8 cm).

What kind of plant is a cape jasmine?

Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine) Cape Jasmine, Common Gardenia, Gardenia augusta, Gardenia florida L., Gardenia grandiflora Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine) is a large evergreen shrub with thick, lustrous, lance-shaped, dark green leaves and extremely fragrant, white flowers, 3 in. across (8 cm).

What kind of problem does Gardenia jasminoides have?

Perfect as a specimen plant and useful as hedges, espaliers or in containers. Great cut flowers. May be affected by powdery mildew, leaf spots, dieback, anthracnose, sooty mold, whiteflies, mealybugs, scales, aphids and spider mites. Cut off the faded Gardenia flowers, just below the leaf node, to encourage continuous blooming.

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