What causes pterygium in the eye?

What causes pterygium in the eye?

The exact cause of pterygium isn’t known. One explanation is that too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can lead to these growths. It occurs more often in people who live in warm climates and spend a lot of time outdoors in sunny or windy environments.

How do you treat pterygium in the eye?

Surgery – is the only treatment that can remove a pterygium. Your optometrist or doctor may refer you to an eye surgeon. It is preferable to remove the pterygium before it grows across the cornea. Otherwise, it may scar the cornea and cause permanent vision problems.

Can pterygium go away on its own?

Often, a pterygium will gradually start to clear up by itself, without any treatment. If so, it may leave a tiny scar on the surface of your eye that’s generally not very noticeable. If it bothers your vision, you can have it removed by an ophthalmologist.

What pterygium looks like?

A pinguecula (plural pingueculae) is very similar to a pterygium, and the two are often confused. However, a pinguecula occurs only on the conjunctiva (the thin, protective membrane that covers the surface of the eye), and will not grow across the cornea.

What is the best medicine for pterygium?

Medical treatment of pterygium consists of over-the-counter (OTC) artificial tears/topical lubricating drops (eg, Refresh Tears, GenTeal drops) and/or bland, nonpreserved ointments (eg, Refresh P.M., Hypo Tears), as well as occasional short-term use of topical corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drops (eg, Pred Forte 1%) …

Does pterygium affect vision?

A pterygium is a growth of tissue in the corner of the eye, which is often triangular in shape. If left untreated, the growth can extend across the pupil obscuring vision or distorting the surface of the eye causing blurred vision.

What eye drops are good for pterygium?

You can treat the irritation and redness caused by a pterygium or pinguecula with simple eye drops, such as Systane Plus or Blink lubricants. If you suffer from inflammation, a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops (e.g. Acular, Voltaren Ophtha) may help.

How do you shrink a pterygium?

If a pterygium becomes irritated or inflamed, it can be treated with topical medication such as a steroid drop for short periods of time. Artificial tears and topical medications will help with irritation, but they do not shrink the size of the pterygium. The only way to remove a pterygium is through surgery.

How do you get rid of pterygium without surgery?

Treating a pterygium can be done without surgical removal. Smaller growths are usually treated with artificial tears to lubricate the eyes or mild steroid eye drops that counteract redness and swelling.

How do you stop pterygium from growing?

To reduce the risk of developing pterygia:

  1. Use sunglasses that block out UV light (close-fitting, wrap around styles are best)
  2. Wear sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim when outdoors.
  3. Avoid exposure to environmental irritants, eg: smoke, dust, wind, and chemical pollutants.

Can pterygium cause blindness?

Background: Pterygium is a disfiguring disease that can potentially lead to blindness. It is more common in warm, windy and dry climates of tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa. Globally, the prevalence ranging from 0.07% to 53%.

Why is pterygium common on the nasal side?

Environmental factors, such as a warm climate, dust and UV light, are the main causes of pterygia. Pterygia are more common on the nasal side of the cornea because this area is more exposed to UV light owing to its reflection from the nose.

Does Medicare cover pterygium surgery?

Medicare, blue cross, BlueShield etc, will cover medically indicated Pterygium surgery. When to Contact a Medical Professional. A person with pterygium should be seen by an ophthalmologist annually, so that the advancement of the pterygium can be recognized, especially before the pupillary zone becomes involved.

Can a pterygium cause blindness?

It is extremely rare for a pterygium to cause blindness in developed countries unless that patient neglects their personal health care. They will complain of reduction in vision well before actual blindness occurs.

What exactly is a pterygium?

Pterygium. A pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane that covers the white part of your eye over the cornea. The cornea is the clear front covering of the eye.

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