What key is the blues scale?

What key is the blues scale?

minor pentatonic scale
The blues scale is a 6 note scale that comes from the minor pentatonic scale. The reason the blues scale is different from other scales is that the note that’s added to the minor pentatonic scale to create the blues scale does not naturally occur in the key it’s being played in.

What key is best for blues guitar?

The scales used most often for soloing in blues-influenced music are minor and major pentatonic. As its name implies, a pentatonic scale consists of five tones, as penta means ‘five’ and tonic means ‘tone’.

What are the notes of the G blues scale?

The notes that make up the G blues scale are G, B flat, C, D flat, D, F, and G.

What notes are in G blues scale?

What notes are in the G major blues scale?

1. G blues scale

Note no. Note name
1 The 1st note of the G blues scale is G
2 The 2nd note of the G blues scale is Bb
3 The 3rd note of the G blues scale is C
4 The 4th note of the G blues scale is Db

What is the blues scale pattern?

The major blues scale is built by adding a b3 interval to the major pentatonic scale, forming the pattern 1-2-b3-3-5-6. This scale is used to solo over major, maj7, 7 th chords and their related variations such as maj6, maj9, 9 th, and 13 th chords.

What is G blues scale?

The red dots indicate a root note, the blue dots indicate a blues note and the black dots indicate a note in the scale. All of the root notes are “G” because this is the G Pentatonic Blues Scale. The G Pentatonic Blues Scale can be divided into patterns. Any Pentatonic Scale can be divided into patterns.

What are the blues scales for guitar?

Blues scale for guitar. The blues scale is similar to the minor pentatonic scale, but with an additional lowered fifth. The lowered fifth, also known as the “blue note”, is essential in blues music. E.g. C blues scale consists of C, Eb, F, Gb, G and Bb.

What is the blues scale on piano?

The blues scale on piano consists of six notes: The root, flat 3rd, 4th, flat 5th, 5th and flat 7th notes of the major scale. There are twelve blues scales: C, C♯, D, E♭, E, F, F♯, G, A♭, A, B♭, B:

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