Is Guardian good gw2?

Is Guardian good gw2?

Guardians are easy to pick up and solid in every game mode, making them a good class for new players. The Dragonhunter elite specialization turns guardians into skirmishers with mobility and burst damage. In open world and casual PvE, guardians deal high damage and are great at supporting other players.

What is a focus gw2?

The focus is an off-hand only weapon. Foci are primarily used by scholar professions and are characterized by having powerful defensive skills and utility.

Why is guardian so popular gw2?

The theme is popular. Guardian is the best designed class in PvE, which is also the most popular mode. Guardian is extremely versatile and can use multiple weapons and multiple setups. Guardian has the strongest AOE damage.

What happens at level 60 in Guild Wars 2?

At level 60, complete the next chapter of your personal story and move to Tier 6. The next two tiers, 6 and 7, are mostly the same as Tier 5. You will unlock new dungeons like Twilight Arbor and Sorrow’s Embrace, and will be able to complete more of your personal story.

Which is the best weapon to level in Guild Wars 2?

Greatsword is probably one of the most efficient weapons for leveling since it does so much burst damage. If you want to hit things from range, the scepter works pretty well. Any offhand works, but focus is generally best for defense, while torch is best for offense. Shield is mostly for utility.

When do you get elite skills in Guild Wars 2?

You have two traits to focus on here: At Level 30, complete your next Personal Story chapter and move to Tier 4. From levels 31-40, right away you can unlock your Elite Skill. Elite skills are unlocked at the end of some Skill Lines and can be very powerful. For our purposes, we’ll focus on: “Feel My Wrath!” The core of your build is now complete!

What to do at Tier 2 in Guild Wars 2?

To start off, open your hero panel and look under the Training tab. You’ll see several options for Slot Skills. Your goal in Tier 2 is to unlock the following skills and any skills that come before them: “Stand Your Ground!” You won’t unlock much else this tier, so keep exploring until you hit Tier 3.

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