What does Maftir mean in Hebrew?

What does Maftir mean in Hebrew?

noun Hebrew. the concluding section of the portion of the Torah chanted or read in a Jewish service on the Sabbath and festivals. the person who recites the blessings before and after the chanting or reading of this section and who often also chants or reads the Haftarah.

What does Parsha mean in Hebrew?

: a passage in Jewish Scripture dealing with a single topic specifically : a section of the Torah assigned for weekly reading in synagogue worship.

When was the Haftarah written?

What languages are used here?

Full title: Hafṭarot for Passover
Created: 1700–1799
Format: Manuscript
Language: Hebrew, Ancient Greek
Usage terms Public Domain in most countries other than the UK.

How many Aliyot are there?

seven aliyot
Weekly portion On Shabbat mornings, the weekly Torah portion (parashah) is read. It is divided into seven aliyot (see above for more on aliyot).

What is Laining?

past participle of lie; rested; reposed.

What are the 3 parts of the Torah?

The Hebrew Bible is organized into three main sections: the Torah, or “Teaching,” also called the Pentateuch or the “Five Books of Moses”; the Neviʾim, or Prophets; and the Ketuvim, or Writings. It is often referred to as the Tanakh, a word combining the first letter from the names of each of the three main divisions.

What is a sidrah?

sidra, also spelled sidrah or sedra (Hebrew: “order,” “arrangement”), plural sidrot, sidroth, sedrot, or sedroth, in Judaism, weekly readings from the Scriptures as part of the sabbath service.

What is the study of the Torah called?

Torah study is the study of the Torah, Hebrew Bible, Talmud, responsa, rabbinic literature and similar works, all of which are Judaism’s religious texts. According to Rabbinic Judaism, the study is ideally done for the purpose of the mitzvah (“commandment”) of Torah study itself.

Why do Jews read the haftarah?

One reason the reading of the haftarah is a special honor is because of the voluminous blessings the accompany the reading. These blessings are derived from the minor (and uncanonical) Talmudic tractate Massekhet Soferim – also called, simply, Soferim, which dates back to the 7th or 8th century CE.

What is the longest haftarah?

The song of the sea
The song of the sea is sometimes known as the Shirah (song) in some western Jewish synagogues. The haftarah for Beshalach tells the story of Deborah. At 52 verses, it is the longest haftarah.

Which is the best definition of the word haftarah?

Define haftarah. haftarah synonyms, haftarah pronunciation, haftarah translation, English dictionary definition of haftarah. or haf·to·rah n. pl. haf·ta·rot or haf·to·rot Judaism A passage selected from the Prophets, read in synagogue services on the Sabbath following each lesson… Haftarah – definition of haftarah by The Free Dictionary

What kind of music is used for haftarot?

Different Literature, Different Music. Just as the Torah is traditionally chanted, not merely recited, haftarot are sung according to the traditional notation system for biblical books, called ta’amei ha-mikra or, among Ashkenazim, trope.

What makes a haftarah different from a Torah scroll?

Even when a scroll of haftarah readings is used, that scroll – unlike the Torah scroll – is occasionally made of paper and may include such embellishments as the vowel points and trope.

How is the haftarah related to the parasha?

The Haftarah reading follows the Torah reading on each Sabbath and on Jewish festivals and fast days. Typically, the haftarah is thematically linked to the parasha ( Torah Portion) that precedes it. The haftarah is sung in a chant (known as ” trope ” in Yiddish or ” Cantillation ” in English).

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