How are rusts and smuts different from other Basidiomycetes?

How are rusts and smuts different from other Basidiomycetes?

While rust fungi require two different hosts to complete their life cycle, smut fungi may complete their life cycle on only one host, which is always a flowering plant. Another difference between rust and smut fungi is seen in the way that they infect their host plants.

Which are called as rusts and smuts?

Rusts and smuts are fungi belonging to the orders Urediniales (rusts) and Ustilaginales (smuts) which are basidiomycete fungi. The rusts have complicated life cycles which involve the infection of two different plant species.

What is a rust symptom?

Rust symptoms first appear on the upper and/or lower surfaces of leaves as small yellow or white slightly raised spots. Green pods, and occasionally stems, also may become infected and develop typical rust pustules.

Why are the rusts and smuts of economic importance?

They are economically important because majority of them cause disease of cereals and other crops resulting in enormous losses. In spite of the damage they cause, they seldom kill the host plant immediately.

What is the difference between a Basidium and ascus?

The ascus is a sac-like structure that bears reproductive cells. These cells produce sexual spores. Basidium is a club-shaped structure having sexual cells that produce sexual spores.

Which group of fungi is known as rusts Smuts and wood Rotters?

Basidiomycota, large and diverse phylum of fungi (kingdom Fungi) that includes jelly and shelf fungi; mushrooms, puffballs, and stinkhorns; certain yeasts; and the rusts and smuts.

What is difference between rust and corrosion?

Corrosion is the process by which certain materials, metals and non-metals, deteriorate as a result of oxidation. Rusting is oxidation of iron in the presence of air and moisture. Rusting occurs on surfaces of iron and its alloys. Corrosion requires surface exposure to air or chemicals.

What is an example of rust?

Rust is a reddish-brown or reddish-yellow color that coats iron or steel when exposed to air and moisture. An example of rust is what happens to the chain on a bike that’s been left out in the rain all winter.

How is rust disease treated?

Unfortunately, there is no easy treatment for rust. Try these tips: Remove all infected parts and destroy them. For bramble fruits, remove and destroy all the infected plants and replant the area with resistant varieties.

What are the characteristics of rust?

Rust is an iron oxide, a usually reddish-brown oxide formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen in the catalytic presence of water or air moisture. Rust consists of hydrous iron(III) oxides (Fe2O3·nH2O) and iron(III) oxide-hydroxide (FeO(OH), Fe(OH)3), and is typically associated with the corrosion of refined iron.

What is the importance of rusting?

Rusting is the corrosion of iron which is the most widely used structural metal. Most of it is used in making steel. The wide range of products made from steel includes all types vehicles, machinery pipeline, bridges and reinforcing rods and girders for construction purposes.

What is the difference between Zygomycota and ascomycota?

Zygomycota (conjugated fungi) produce non-septated hyphae with many nuclei. Ascomycota (sac fungi) form spores in sacs called asci during sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is their most common form of reproduction.

What is the difference between rust and redox?

Above reactions are accelerated in the presence of acids. Further, when there are electrolytes like salts, the reaction is further enhanced. Rust contains iron (III) ions, so the formed Fe2+ undergoes redox reaction, to give Fe3+ as follows. Fe3+ and Fe2+ undergo following acid base reactions with water.

How is the nutrition intake in rust intercellular?

The nutrition intake for rust is intercellular using structures called haustoria. The intake of nutrition for smuts can either be intercellular or intracellular. Clamp connect is present but rare. Clamp connections are commonly observed in smuts.

What does rust look like on a plant?

Rusts: A plant disease caused by a fungus of the class uredinomycetes. The characteristic symptom is the development of spots or pustules bearing masses of powdery spores which are usually rust coloured, yellow, or brown. Infected plants may also show distortions or gall like also distortions or gall like swellings.

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