How do I extract first name and last name in Excel?

How do I extract first name and last name in Excel?

How to split Full Name into First and Last Name in Excel

  1. Enter the formula of =LEFT(A2,FIND(” “,A2,1)-1) in a blank cell, says Cell B2 in this case.
  2. Enter the formula of =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(” “,A2,1)) in another blank cell, Cell C2 in this case.

How do you put last name in Excel?

To pick the Last name from the list. We we will use the “RIGHT” function along with the “SEARCH” and “LEN” function. Select the Cell D2, write the formula =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH(” “,A2,SEARCH(” “,A2,SEARCH(” “,A2)+1))) It will return the last name from the cell A2.

How do I find the last name in Excel?

Get last name from name

  1. SUBSTITUTE(B4,” “,”*”,LEN(B4)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4,” “,””))) Which does the actual replacement of the last space with “*”.
  2. LEN(B4)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B4,” “,””))
  3. SUBSTITUTE(B4,” “,”*”,2)
  4. FIND(“*”, “Susan Ann*Chang”)
  5. LEN(B4)-10.
  6. =RIGHT(B4,5)

How do I separate last name and first name in Excel?

Split Comma-Separated Names

  1. Select the cells that contain the names — A2:A6 in this example.
  2. To open the Replace window, press Ctrl + H.
  3. In the Find What box, type a comma, followed by a space character.
  4. In the Replace With box, type a comma.
  5. Click Replace All, then click OK, in the confirmation message.

Is last name before comma?

However, in English, when a comma is between two names, it usually indicates “Last name, First Name.” When writing “First name Last name,” there should not be a comma between the two names.

How do I find first name in Excel?

Get first name from name

  1. Generic formula. =LEFT(name,FIND(” “,name)-1)
  2. If you need extract the first name from a full name, you can easily do so with the FIND and LEFT functions.
  3. The FIND function finds the first space character (” “) in the name and returns the position of that space in the full name.

How do I get a list of names in Excel?

You can find a named range by using the Go To feature—which navigates to any named range throughout the entire workbook.

  1. You can find a named range by going to the Home tab, clicking Find & Select, and then Go To. Or, press Ctrl+G on your keyboard.
  2. In the Go to box, double-click the named range you want to find.

How do I make first name in Excel?

How do you create a last name in Excel?

Select the Cell D2, write the formula =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH(” “,A2,SEARCH(” “,A2,SEARCH(” “,A2)+1))) It will return the last name from the cell A2.

How do you split first and last name in Excel?

1. Select the name range that you want to split. 2. Click Kutools > Text > Split Names, in the Split Names dialog box, specify the Split types you want, if you want to split the full name to first and last name, please check First name and Last name, see screenshot:

How to split first and last name in Excel [with examples]?

Guide to Split First and Last Name in Excel Select A2:A10 → head over to Data → Click on Text to Columns Select Delimited & click next Under Delimiter section → enable ‘Space’ checkbox

How do you get last name in Excel?

To get the first name, you use the already familiar LEFT SEARCH formula. To get the last name, determine the position of the 2 nd space by using nested SEARCH functions, subtract the position from the total string length, and get the length of the last name as the result.

How to sort names by middle name in Excel?

Select names and click Kutools > Merge&Split > Split Names.

  • In the Split Names dialog,check Middle name only,and click Ok,then in the next dialog to select a cell next to the names to place the middle
  • Click OK,only middle names have been extracted.
  • Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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