What happens during a discovery call?

What happens during a discovery call?

A discovery call is the first call that you make after connecting with a prospect over email. During a discovery call, you ask the prospect a series of questions to uncover their needs, challenges, and goals as they relate to your product. It’s the first step in the sales qualification process.

How do I prepare for a discovery call?

5 Steps to Take to Prepare for a Discovery Call

  1. Conduct Research. Know Your Prospects.
  2. Prepare a Script. Scripts polarize sales reps.
  3. Build a List of Engaging Questions.
  4. Learn About Common Sales Objections.
  5. Practice The Art of Listening.

What do you say in a discovery call?

10 questions to start asking during a consultative discovery call

  • What prompted you to explore our solution?
  • Tell me about your current process.
  • What are you looking to improve?
  • What if you didn’t do anything and kept the process the same?

What is the purpose of a discovery meeting?

The goal of a discovery session is to ask questions and listen to what your potential client has to say. It will tell you what struggles they have and give you an insight into what they want to achieve. By conducting this meeting you can find out: Your potential client’s current challenges.

How long should a discovery call be?

A sales discovery call could be anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour or longer. The long answer is that you’ll need to take into account the customer lifetime value (LTV) and the amount of time it will take you to collect all the information you need from your prospect.

How many questions can you ask on a discovery call?

Ask high-impact questions. According to research from Gong.io, you should aim to discuss 3-4 problems in a sales discovery call. They also found that sellers who asked 11-14 discovery questions were most likely to have a successful call. The reps that asked between 1-6 questions saw the lowest success rates.

What is a discovery call in coaching?

A discovery call is a complimentary call where a potential client gets on the phone with a coach to talk about the possibility of working together. It’s your job as coach to support them in making the decision to work with you and committing to doing the work.

What should I ask in a discovery session?

You can ask the following questions during the discovery session:

  • What is the purpose of the website?
  • Who are the primary decision-makers of this project?
  • Who are the users or the customers?
  • Why is this important to them?
  • Why do they care?
  • What are their weak points?
  • What are the users trying to do?

Who should be in a discovery meeting?

A discovery meeting is a discussion between one or more team members from your business or sales team and a lead or potential customer. As the individual or team offering a product or a service, this meeting helps you understand what gaps exist for your potential customers and how you can fill those gaps.

Should I charge for a discovery call?

“Discovery sessions should never be free of charge.” A discovery session has a few main purposes: To establish the reason for the project by diagnosing the business problem. To uncover hidden value for the client by understanding what making this problem go away is worth to your client.

Why is discovery so important in sales?

The discovery call is perhaps the most important call of the sales process. It sets the tone for your business’s relationship with prospective clients. It is through these calls that your sellers have the opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Should Discovery calls be free?

Discovery calls should always be free. You will get a ton of value from them for the minimal time you put in. You can use the call to ask the prospect more in-depth questions about their needs and create a more specific profile to define your target audience.

What is the purpose of a discovery call?

What is a Discovery Call? A discovery call’s purpose is to determine whether or not you and your buyer are a good fit for each other, and to understand your buyer’s pain points, priorities, and goals so you can effectively sell to them. Ready to get started? Here are the steps for having a great discovery call.

Can a prospect participate in a discovery call?

Most prospects are okay with participating in a discovery call, as long as it’s not an interrogation. Discovery calls are crucial for sales professionals to understand the details of a prospect’s situation. On the other side, prospects want to leave a discovery call knowing who you are and what your company’s all about.

How is a discovery call different from a demo call?

Because other calls already have a visual backdrop for the conversation (demo calls have a product demo, presentations have a visual slide presentation, etc.), discovery calls are just you and the buyer. When the buyer sees your face, the call becomes more human.

What’s the difference between a discovery call and a static event?

As illustrated above, average-performing reps treat discovery like a static event, where questions are front-loaded at the beginning of the conversation. On the other hand, top-performing reps have discovery call questions dispersed throughout the entirety of the call.

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