What is the use of Pongamia pinnata?

What is the use of Pongamia pinnata?

Pongamia pinnata has been applied as crude drug for the treatment of tumors, piles, skin diseases, and ulcers (Rout et al., 2009; Pavithra et al., 2010). The root is effective for treating gonorrhea, cleaning gums, teeth, and ulcers, and is used in vaginal and skin diseases (Muthu et al., 2006).

Is Pongamia pinnata poisonous?

It is proved by this study that Annona extract is very toxic than Pongamia extract. The present preliminary investigations show the acute oral toxicity of Annona Squamosa seeds although Pongamia Pinnata is inactive at the concentration (2000mg/kg) tested; higher concentrations remain to be studied.

What is the family of Pongamia pinnata?

Pongame oiltree/Family

What is the common name of millettia pinnata?

Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi

Family Name: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
Synonyms: Cytisus pinnatus, Pongamia pinnata
Common Name: Seashore Mempari, Pongam, Indian Beech, Poonga Oil Tree, Karum Tree, 水黄皮, 番龙眼

Is Pongamia pinnata Evergreen?

BOTANIC DESCRIPTION Pongamia pinnata is a medium-sized evergreen or briefly deciduous, glabrous shrub or tree 15-25 m high, with straight or crooked trunk 50-80 cm or more in diameter and broad crown of spreading or drooping branches.

What is the common name of Pongamia pinnata?

Which plant gives highest oxygen?

Top 5 Plants for Increasing Oxygen

  • Areca Palm. As with all plants, the Areca Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
  • Snake Plant a.k.a. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue.
  • Money Plant.
  • Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)
  • Chinese Evergreens.

What plant helps you sleep?

Valerian Aside from the sweet scent, valerian plants have been used for centuries to help with sleep problems including insomnia. Inhaling the scent of valerian root has been shown to induce sleep and improve the quality of sleep.

What plants are good for your lungs?

Take a look at some of the best plants for lungs and clean air:

  1. Aloe Vera. Unarguably the king of household medicinal plants, aloe vera is going to become your favourite indoor plant that cleans the air too!
  2. Snake Plant.
  3. Bamboo Palm.
  4. Ferns.
  5. Peace Lily.
  6. Ficus.
  7. Spider Plant.
  8. Flamingo Lily.

What are the benefits of Pongamia pinnata oil?

Pongamia pinnata is my next year of pharmaconasy plant drug project. Mt wife (aged 50 years) is suffering from psoriasis. Kindly suggest me remedy to come out of the problem. For Psoriasis, Tea Tree oil has beneficial effects. It has antiseptic properties. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties.

What is the botanical name of Pongamia pinnata?

Its botanical name is Pongamia pinnata. Synonym: Millettia pinnata, Pongamia glabra. It belongs to Fabaceae family. Katuka Skandha – pungent tasting group of herbs. Sushruta Samhita – Aragvadhadi, Varunadi, Arkadi, Shyamadi group of herbs, Kaphasamshamana (herbs that balance Kapha).

How much bark to grind for Pongamia pinnata?

Take 5 grams each of the bark of Drumstick , Indian Beech, Berberis Aristata ( Kilmora ) and the root of Golden Shower. Grind with some urine of cow.

How is Pungai Ennai pongamia oil extracted?

Hindi name – Karanj tel Tamil name – Pungai oil, Pungai ennai Pongamia oil is extracted from seeds by expeller pressing, cold pressing, or by means of solvent extraction. It contains below fatty acids –

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