How do you save rockets in Kerbal space program?

How do you save rockets in Kerbal space program?

If you open up your KSP folder, go to Game->saves. In there is a folder for each save with the name of the save.

Can you download ships in Kerbal space program?

Yep. KSP saves ships as text-based . craft files, so you can download one that’s been posted and simply drop it in the correct folder.

Where are KSP save files?

All of your save data is stored in plain text files as a subdirectory of the saves folder in the main KSP folder. Each save game has its own folder, which includes subdirectories for VAB and hanger ships. Simply copy the desired folders (be it the entire save or just a few . craft files) to the new install location.

How do you save a ship as subassembly in KSP?

Once you ship is built: Open the subassemblies tab. Click the part just after your starting piece. Drag it in the subassemblies tab there a box at the bottom drop it in the box.

How do I open a .craft file?

You can open CRAFT files with Squad Kerbal Space Program, which is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can also import CRAFT files with Blender (version 2.83 with the . mu import/export addon).

How do I import ships KSP?

Step 4 Import Your Ship into Blender

  1. Delete the default cube from the scene by pressing A until all objects are selected, then X.
  2. Import the .craft file.
  3. Go to File > Import > KSP Craft (.craft)
  4. Browse to the game folder, then you will find your ships in the Ships folder.

How do you get Craft files in KSP?

Finding your . craft file under “saves” in your KSP root directory. So the path is ROOT DIRECTORY/saves/save_game_name/ships/building/super_awesome_rocket. craft. If a save game with that name was created, all directories should exist.

How do I transfer KSP from one computer to another?

The easiest way of all is just to store the KSP home directory and everything below it onto a USB stick, move the USB stick to the other computer, and copy the whole thing anywhere you like on the new computer.

What kind of game is Kerbal Space Program?

KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. Build spacecraft, fly them, and try to help the Kerbals to fulfill their ultimate mission of conquering space.

When does the special promotion end for Kerbal Space Program?

You have access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that flies (or doesn’t) based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics. SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends September 7 This patch focuses on fixing over 90 bugs and adding a few improvements to the game, as well as a couple of new revamps, and the Ground Anchor!

Which is the best MOD service for KSP?

Curse is the official mod hosting service associated with KSP. If you’re not on Windows or want to avoid the Twitch desktop, you can go with the most old-school of the bunch: CKAN. It’s also quite up to date (due to integration with Spacedock ), has its own stand-alone GUI, and works on all the non-console platforms.

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