What does it meaning of relent?

What does it meaning of relent?

intransitive verb. 1a : to become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity. b : to cease resistance : give in. 2 : let up, slacken.

Does relent mean to stop?

The root of relent is the Latin lentus, which means “to slow down or soften.” The original meaning, from the 15th century, most likely had to do with the heart — as in “to stop resisting love.” Now, however, relent can have all manner of applications, but the meaning is always the same: to let up, soften, yield or give …

How do you use the word relent?

Relent sentence example

  1. I’m sure if he sees how important this is to you, he’ll relent .
  2. Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones.
  3. But if proven wrong, most will relent and run the job over again.

What is the noun of relent?

Noun. relent (plural relents) Stay; stop; delay.

What is the synonym and antonym of relent?

relent. Synonyms: yield, relax, soften. Antonyms: persist, harden.

How many definitions does Relenten have?

9 Definitions
Relent Meaning | Best 9 Definitions of Relent.

What is relent used for?

Relent Tablet is a combination medicine used in the treatment of cough. It relieves allergic symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, watery eyes, itching, swelling, and congestion or stiffness. It also thins and loosens mucus, making it easier to cough out.

What is the meaning of relent in a sentence?

/rɪˈlent/ to do something you had refused to do before, or to allow someone to do something that you had refused to allow before: For days we begged him to see a doctor about his cough, and finally he relented.

What is triumph in Bible?

the act, fact, or condition of being victorious or triumphant; victory; conquest.

What does relent mean spiritually?

verb (used without object) to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving. to become less severe; slacken: The winds relented.

What does relent means?

relent(Verb) To slacken; to abate. relent(Verb) To lessen, make less severe or fast. relent(Verb) To become less rigid or hard; to soften; to yield; to dissolve; to melt; to deliquesce. The solid block attracted moisture from the air and relented into a thick brown liquour.

What does relented mean?

Relent(verb) to become less rigid or hard; to yield; to dissolve; to melt; to deliquesce. Relent(verb) to become less severe or intense; to become less hard, harsh, cruel, or the like; to soften in temper; to become more mild and tender; to feel compassion.

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